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Man Saves Runt Kitten Rejected by Mother & Helps Her Blossom into Beautiful Cat

Man Saves Runt Kitten Rejected by Mother & Helps Her Blossom into Beautiful Cat

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It was a sad day for this little kitten when she was rejected by her own mother.

But her sadness wouldn’t last long. One man named Alan stepped in and decided he would take her in as his own.

In the next few months, this man would give this little angel the love and care she needed to transform into a beautiful cat!

Courtesy of Alan

A Rough Start

When Alan first learned of the little kitten, she was extremely underweight and malnourished.

She was tinier than his foot and would barely eat. Alan named her Sansa after the Game of Thrones character.

Their beautiful journey together started from that day forward.

Courtesy of Alan

No Mom? No problem!

Sansa had been rejected by her mother for being the runt of the litter. Without a mom, Sansa would have suffered a tragic fate.

But Alan was prepared to help! No mom? No problem.

Alan took on the role of a mamma cat and started bottle feeding little Sansa.

Her size and young age made her very vulnerable. She needed round-the-clock-care with bottle feedings and close supervision.

This cat dad determined to be the best mom he could be.

Courtesy of Alan

Cat Dad to the Rescue

Sansa trusted Alan. First the first time since she’d been abandoned, she felt safe and loved.

She would cling to him with her tiny paws and gaze into her rescuer’s eyes with adoration.

Then she would fall asleep on him and purr with gratitude.

Sansa was Alan’s shadow. Everywhere he went, Sansa followed!

Courtesy of Alan

An Only Child

With each passing day, Sansa was growing bigger and stronger. She had a healthy appetite and a strong will to live!

Since Sansa was abandoned by her mother, Alan was determined to make his only child feel special.

He got her an assortment of toys and comfy beds to make her feel at home.

Courtesy of Alan

Pint-Sized Powerhouse

Now that Sansa’s health needs were being met, she was a pint-sized powerhouse of energy.

She wanted to run, play and explore like the curious kitten she was.

Here she is with her little yellow mouse!

Courtesy of Alan

Blossoming into a Beautiful Cat

Just a couple weeks of love and proper care made such a big difference.

Sansa no longer wobbled or lost her balance. She could finally eat real food and use a litter box.

Alan’s hard work had paid off. He’d been the best mama cat Sansa could have asked for.

He watched as his tiny bottle baby transformed into a beautiful cat!

Courtesy of Alan

His Forever Baby

It didn’t matter how big Sansa got. She was still Alan’s baby and always would be.

Luckily, Sansa never lost any interest in being showered with love and attention. She was still his shadow.

In fact, she loves to be close to her dad while he’s working on the computer. She’s his little manager!

Courtesy of Alan

A Fairytale Ending

It all started with a kind man who took a chance on a rejected kitten.

This cat dad turned into a cat mom and gave Sansa everything she’d ever wanted and more.

Alan became the family that Sansa needed and deserved.

This proves that family isn’t always blood. It’s the ones that would do anything for you because they love you.

The love and care Alan gave her helped her transform into a beautiful cat.

Now she’s thriving and continues to be showered with love and attention from the man she loves the most.

Thank you, Alan, for rescuing sweet Sansa!

Courtesy of Alan

Find the original story on Love Meow.

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Wednesday 3rd of November 2021

Alan your story is so so wonderful I am sure you will have many happy years togeather.😻😽

Debra Jamison

Tuesday 2nd of November 2021

I love this story God bless both of them They were made to. Be together.


Tuesday 27th of July 2021

Right now I am momma to a three week old kitten that I named Miko. He was rescued from an awful poor excuse for a human man down in Mexico. He was standing there swinging this poor baby by his tail and was given $5 and he surrendered the baby and now we have her up here in the states. The end of his tail curls, probably from being swung in such a cruel and inhumane way. So I named him Miko meaning monkey because he resembles a little spider monkey always climbing up on my shoulder! He's a lot of work but it's all well worth it! So... Way to go Alan! ?


Thursday 15th of July 2021

All I can say is, you are the greatest. I wish I had a Dad like you.


Saturday 10th of July 2021

If the world consisted of more loving people as you, Alan, we would all be better off! Love and Prayers, Sheryl