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Bus Stop Kitten Follows Vet Student Home & Befriends His Husky Hoping to Join Family

Bus Stop Kitten Follows Vet Student Home & Befriends His Husky Hoping to Join Family

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Our story starts on one fateful fall day when a little stray kitten was looking for a friend who could help him find some food.

He spotted someone that seemed nice at a bus stop and followed him home.

Adam, the man this kitten had decided to follow, didn’t realize he was a cat person yet.

However, this little kitten was about to show him otherwise.

Keep reading to learn how this clever kitten was determined to wiggle his way into the man’s heart and home!

Tagging Along

Adam was in his second year of veterinary school in Grenada when he stepped off the bus and saw a kitten standing on the sidewalk.

The little orange tabby was so loving and friendly.

It was impossible not to adore him– his charm was irresistible!

After petting the kitten for a while, he began his walk home.

But once he got there, he realized the kitten had followed him home!

Adam figured the kitten was hungry after its long journey from the bus stop.

He fed him and left him some water.

When Adam went inside, he noticed the orange kitten was still where he left him.

The kitten excited to make a new friend!

The little guy and hung around Adam’s apartment for most of the day, looking forward to the next time he’d see Adam.

Days passed and Adam was still being greeted by his loyal friend.

In fact, he returned every day to sit in Adams lap while he studied by the pool.

After a couple days, Adam brought his new pal into his home.

Once they were inside together, Adam realized this kitten was not going anywhere.

In typical fashion, you don’t choose a cat – a cat chooses you.

The kitten decided he was a new member of Adam’s family.

Unlikely Friends

Adam had had some unpleasant experiences with cats as a vet student.

“I told myself I would never have a cat because they’d always bite me at the clinic,” Adam shared. “But he was really sweet, and he changed my mind about them.”

He’d never thought of himself as a cat person before he met Mango, the name he eventually gave to this kitten.

“I named him Mango because he’s orange and he always hangs out by the Mango tree,” Adam said. 

Mango was surprisingly healthy, despite having lived on the streets for the first few months of his life!

He was a little over two months old when Adam found him.

He was malnourished and skinny, but that was about to change.

Mango could tell he had finally found a safe and loving forever home.

Settling In

While Mango had won Adam over, he still had one other roommate to befriend: Adam’s husky, Kodiak.

Kodiak was a little unsure of this newcomer to the home.

“On the first day, they didn’t know what to think of each other,” Adam told National Kitty. “But, since then, they’ve been best friends and play all the time.”

Once they got a chance to get to know each other, Mango and Kodiak became inseparable.

After all, Mango was one charming little fellow.

You can usually find them running around the house playing or joining Adam for a study session.

Adam can definitely call himself a cat person now.

Sometimes Adam will take them for walks on the beach.

Both of them love this, but Mango tends to get bored a little sooner than Kodiak. 

However, Mango is happy to spend the rest of their beach time in his carrier while Kodiak frolics in the sand. 

After a long day of adventures, Mango and Kodiak snuggle up for a much needed nap.

Adam is so happy Mango found him!

Mango will never have to worry about being a bus stop stray ever again. He’s living the good life now.

He looks forward to many more adventures with his new dad and dog brother!

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Suzanne Roussel

Monday 15th of March 2021

Such a lovely story ❤ thank you for saving him ❤ so adorable ? and sweet precious babies ?

Sharon R Christopher

Friday 12th of March 2021

I love all stories about animals being adopted with stories like this.

David Barnard

Friday 12th of March 2021

Since using social media more this last year or so I have had many a sleepless night over the horrors I have seen or been sent, so much so that it overwhelmed me and I withdrew many accounts - It's staggering how cruel people can be. So stories like this bring a smile to my face and a little hope to my heart. Thank you


Wednesday 10th of March 2021

Mango a beautiful kitty! Thank you for opening your heart to him.


Friday 1st of May 2020

What a beautiful story,Mango is such a beautiful cat , and your dog is beautiful also .beautiful sweethearts ❤️❤️