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Kittens Found In Dumpster Reunited With Their Mom Just In Time

Kittens Found In Dumpster Reunited With Their Mom Just In Time

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This incredible story of compassion and patience is proof that one small act of kindness can stretch farther than you can imagine!  

Keep reading to discover this heartwarming story of a mother cat being reunited with her kittens.

A Shocking Discovery

A local resident from an apartment complex in Maryland was taking out the trash when he heard something strange.

He stopped in his tracks and listened closely – there it was again!

The resident followed the sound and was shocked at what he found… three little baby kittens inside one of the apartment’s dumpsters, desperately crying for help

But there was good news – kittens looked healthy so it was likely their momma could be nearby. 

Unfortunately, the dumpsters were scheduled to be taken the following day. They couldn’t leave the kittens and wait for their mom. 

Even though they didn’t want to separate the kittens from their mom, they had to take action to save their lives. The kittens would have the highest chance of survival if they were reunited with their mom.

Stepping into Action

The resident contacted Alley Cat Rescue in Maryland for help.

Rescuers took the kittens in and began nursing them. They left a few humane traps around the area where they were found desperately hoping they could catch momma cat.

Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue

Volunteers checked multiple times a day, but there was still no sign of momma cat. 

Just when they had almost lost all hope, a miracle happened. They found the momma cat!

Reunited at Last!

The volunteers named the momma cat, Champagne.  At first, she was fearful and timid, but as soon as they reunited her with her babies she rapidly broke out of her shell.

Champagne immediately took to her mamma cat instincts and gave each of her baby kittens a well-deserved bath.

Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue

Getting Healthy and Giving Thanks

After a nice bath, she finally accepted a bowl of food and started to nurse her precious babies.

As Champagne fed her babies, she purred with thanks and felt the comfort of being with her kittens safe and sound.

Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue

A Few Unexpected Visitors

Meanwhile, The Alley Cat Rescue had received another litter of four kittens found at a local business.

They were weak and malnourished, in desperate need of round-the-clock feedings.

The kittens were immediately taken to the same volunteer who had been looking after Champagne and her babies.

The volunteer placed the four orphaned kittens together in their “comfy nest” and went to gather supplies.

She returned only a few minutes later to find they were missing!

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Safe and Sound

It turns out, mamma Champagne must have heard the orphaned kitten’s distressed cries and took it upon herself to adopt the kittens, and care for them as her own.

Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue

Champagne’s litter of three and the orphaned litter of four are quite close in age.

They are now healthy and happy. Spending their days playing, nursing, and snuggling ever since Champagne brought them all together as one big happy family of eight!

Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue
Courtesy of Alley Cat Rescue

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Sunday 19th of April 2020

That is a wonderful, happy-ending story. I wish they could all end that way. BTW, it is interesting the mom is a ginger kitty. I understand they are usually male, like my loveable boy, Garfield.

Barbara Hansen

Monday 17th of February 2020

What a heartwarming and beautiful story.

Kelsey Richens

Wednesday 5th of February 2020

Beautiful story!


Wednesday 18th of December 2019

God bless all those who saved these precious Momma & babies! God bless all those who give their hearts & souls to rescuing furbabies! God bless Momma Champagne for adopting & loving the little orphans babies! Love the name Champagne!!


Saturday 2nd of November 2019

This is a great story champagne is a great Momma it is so sweet that she took the other 4 kittens under her paw.