Everyone loves kittens because they’re fluffy, cute, curious, and playful. They find everything fascinating, they climb the walls (and sometimes their humans), and generally they get into stuff they shouldn’t.
Older cats aren’t as over-the-top in their attention seeking, so we humans sometimes overlook them.
However, older cats bring something to the table that cute little kittens don’t, and just because older cats may not bounce around as much doesn’t mean they lack personality!
Adopting an older cat enrich your life as well as the kitty’s. And in most cases, adopting an older means saving their life.
Keep reading to discover five of the many reasons you should adopt an older cat.

1. You’re Saving A Life
Older cats often end up in shelters under sad circumstances when their owner dies or neglects them.
While shelters aren’t a great place for any animal, cats in particular suffer. Cats like routine and don’t handle change well. The shock of being in a shelter is a difficult adjustment for an older cat.
Kittens in shelters are cute and are adopted much quicker than older cats. Older cats who don’t get adopted will live out their days in a loud shelter if they’re lucky. Many of the less fortunate older cats get euthanized.

Cats who remain in shelters for long periods of time become can become depressed and stop eating, meaning it’s a struggle just to keep them alive. Don’t let a cat who looks sad put you off.
Cats who may seem sad and subdued in a shelter can really come to life when they find their new forever home.
Just give them a chance to adapt to their new surroundings, and soon you’ll find them being as lovable and sociable as a cat you raised from kitten-hood.
By adopting an older cat, you really are giving them a second chance and a new lease on life and you’re adding to your own at the same time.
Sometimes people avoid adopting older cats because they think they’ll only get a few years out of them before the cat passes away.
With the right care, cats can live into their late teens or early twenties, so an older cat has plenty of love left to give and receive.
SURVEY: Do You Consider Cats Family?
Your opinion matters!
2. Older Cats Are Usually House-Trained
Mature cats know how to use a litter box and are aware of other general house etiquette.
Starting with the litter box, older cats know what it’s for, how to use it, and not to fling litter all over the place in the process.
Sometimes kittens don’t quite understand and you’ll find them napping or playing in their litter box.
They often think it’s fun to hide their toys in the litter box as well. Older cats also usually know how to use a scratching post rather than your couch, curtains, or toes.
Kittens, on the other hand, will climb your pants and anything else they can sink their claws into.

3. Older Cats Require Less Supervision
Just like little kids, kittens are full of energy and curiosity, which means they require supervision at all times.
Otherwise, they can get themselves into some hairy situations. Older cats tend to be calmer and more independent, which means you can leave them home alone during the day without having to worry.
Don’t think older cats will just sit there doing nothing, though. Most older cats still have a favorite toy and love to play.
They’re just not as mischievous as kittens, and they also appreciate a good nap (or four). This makes older cats perfect for people who have a day job or need to travel.

4. Older Cats Are Better With Kids
Kittens have lots of energy, love to play, and are super cute. Toddlers and small children, however, need an animal that is patient, and that’s usually the last thing that kittens are.
Kittens also have very sharp little claws, and while they don’t mean to hurt, anyone who has had a kitten knows that if you don’t wear long sleeves and pants, you’ll have little marks and scratches all over you.
Now imagine those razor-like little claws coming into contact with the delicate skin of a child. Not a good scenario!
Kids also like to grab things and may do so a bit roughly. Older cats will take this more in stride than a kitten will.
Older cats are more patient and mellow, whereas a kitten might swat at a child, thinking the child is trying to play or even trying to hurt them.
- LEARN MORE: 7 Ways To Care For An Older Cat
- LEARN MORE: What Is The Best Diet For Your Cat?
5. You Know What You’re Getting.
While kittens are cute and playful, they’re also still developing their own little independent personalities.
A cat’s personality isn’t fully developed until they’re 2-3 years old. Older cats (just like older humans) know who they are and are comfortable in their own fur.
Just because a cat is older doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to act like an uninterested blob.
Some cats are active and enjoy playing while others are mellow and like to cuddle. Each cat has their own special personality; age only enhances this.
**Authors Note** My cat is 10 years old, and she still plays fetch and runs around like a nut for no good reason!
Older cats are more settled in their ways. If they’re friendly when you meet them, they’ll probably stay that way.
If you do have kids or other pets, make sure to find out if the cat you’re interested in will be a good fit for you and your family.
Just remember that if you’re considering an older cat who used to have a home but is now in a shelter, they may be a bit subdued at first.
QUESTION: Do you have an older cat? Would you adopted an older cat?
Monday 16th of September 2019
I love receiving these emails every day. ❤️ Just a heads up right before you get to point #1, the sentence reads “Keep reading to discover five of the many reasons you should NOT adopt an older cat”. The not isn’t capitalized but I did that to point or the error if you wanted to fix it.
Monday 16th of September 2019
It has been fixed! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
Victoria Loch
Thursday 5th of September 2019
Always. I have had many cats who have lived to their late teens and early twenties I currently have a 16 yr old Maine Coon and have cared for others who were over twenty yrs of age. Everyone loves kittens but they grow old lol so think of them and adopt an older cat they deserve to be lived in their golden years
Tuesday 3rd of September 2019
My husband and I have adopted several older cats. We have fostered both cats and dogs for our local animal shelter for at least 12 years. Some of the fosters have been older cats...just so we can get them into a home environment. Most were adopted by other people, but we adopted some of the older ones who didn't have a lot of time left due to medical issues, although a few surprised us and lived six or more years.
Linda J. Collard
Thursday 8th of August 2019
I have almost always adopted, or took in older cats, I'm not crazy about kittens, I love cats! If I had a yard I would take in more cats, older ones who really need a home, so I would have a place to bury them when their time came. Right now I live in an apartment, so when my 12 year old passes, I'll somehow have to get him to a vet or out in the desert to bury him, and I am disabled with no car, so that's going to be a problem for me.
Sharon Hill
Saturday 23rd of March 2019
I adopted a 6 yr old from a humane society shelter. He was considered a senior. I had to look past his attitude being placed back in the sme shelter a second time. Not of his fault. He wasn't having it. He was taught and encouraged to use scratching post and cardboard scratching boxes with catnip,patience and praise when he used them. He has a piece missing in his ear tip from a past before us getting him.I want to adopt another senior male for a friend for him. Just want to know a out how to have an established cat accept another when we get one? Our guy shares his love and contentment with both my husband and me.