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Protective Kitten So Happy Become Big Brother to Newborn Kitten Rejected by Mom

Protective Kitten So Happy Become Big Brother to Newborn Kitten Rejected by Mom

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In early October, British students found an orange tabby kitten on John Lennon Drive in Liverpool, England.

This rescue case wasn’t just lucky— it was fate. 

Keep reading to discover how this orange tabby went from being a frightened kitten to a loving and protective big brother. 

A Fateful Find

The students stumbled upon the kitten on what would have been John Lennon’s 80th birthday.

Considering the date and location the kitten was rescued from, it only seemed fitting to name him Lennon after the iconic Beatles superstar. 

The 6-week-old kitten was terrified, so the students gently wrapped him up in a blanket to make him feel safe and warm. 

They took Lennon to the RSPCA Wirral and Chester branch.

But fate seemed to intervene once again, because the RSPCA happened to have a kitten that would become Lennon’s best friend. 

This newly born kitten was being bottle fed by staff after he was rejected by his mother.

RSPCA Wirral & Chester

Getting the Band Together

Neonatal kittens are at great risk of premature death when they’re reared without their mothers.

At only a few days old, this little guy was facing a lonely future. That is, until Lennon arrived. 

This tiny tuxedo kitten turned out to be the perfect “bandmate” for Lennon. 

After staff introduced the two, they quickly became inseparable. 

To honor the series of heartwarming miracles that took place, staff named the tuxedo kitten Ringo, after Beatles drummer Ringo Starr.

RSPCA Wirral & Chester

A Purr-fect Pair

Lennon and Ringo have an incredible bond despite their age difference.

Though the two are only a few weeks apart in age, Ringo has a long way to go before he can stand on his own feet. 

Luckily, he has a supportive pal by his side to cheer him along.

Shelter staff said that Lennon took Ringo under his wing and cared for him like a sweet and protective big brother.

The two especially enjoy napping and snuggling together. 

Lennon can be spotted wrapping his tiny paws around his adopted baby brother in an adorable embrace.

He can’t wait until his baby brother is a little older so they can pounce, leap, and tumble together in some new and exciting adventures. 

RSPCA Wirral & Chester

Music & Mischief 

Lennon and Ringo’s bond is so strong that the RSPCA staff have planned on adopting out the two kittens together as a pair. 

They’re hopeful that the perfect forever home is waiting just around the corner! 

Lennon and Ringo have a lifetime of making music (and mischief) together as a family.

Thanks to the RSPCA and some kind-hearted students, these kittens will never have to worry about being hungry or alone ever again. 

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Sharing is caring!

Shelley Cloutier

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

I absolutely love stories like this one! Have a wonderful life cutie pies!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bente Andrew

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

That is so beautiful so happy for those 2 xxx

Robert Tarquinio

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

They are so adorable I hope Lennon and Ringo find a forever home soon - together They are so sweet and cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Best wishes always for those two adorable kitties. Meow!

Ellen Jackson

Wednesday 29th of September 2021

I thoroughly enjoy your stories. Ik receive so many e-mails daily that I simply cannot read them all and end up deleting most of them unread. However, every day I specifically look for messages from 3 or 4 sites, yours being one of them. I simply don’t want to miss even one of your wonderful little stories. Today’s tale of Lennon and Ringo was especially heartwarming.

Joan Roncalli-Cummings

Tuesday 28th of September 2021

A super story that made my day. Lovely people and kitties.