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Meet Cinderella! She’s a beautiful 14-year-old girl in Austin, Texas.

Cinderella went from rags to riches when she was adopted by her human mom/fairy god mother, Katie.

Katie tells us all about this sweet senior girl in the story below.


A Cinderella Story

I adopted Cinderella (Cindy for short) from the Waco Humane Society when she was 10 weeks old.

She was the most beautiful animal I had ever seen, but she had not been well cared for.

She had ear mites, fleas, and worms, but she was still so beautiful and sweet.

I named her Cinderella because of her humble beginnings, but I planned to make her a princess!

She also has smokey brown patches on her nose, typical of a siamese mix.


In the original (non-Disney) fairytale, Cinderella got her name because she had cinders (ashes) on her face.

So the name “Cinderella” seemed fitting for many reasons.

All she needed was a little love and care to blossom into the beautiful cat she was destined to be.

We got her back to perfect health, and she’s been living happily ever after ever since!


What is Cinderella’s personality like?

Cindy is very loyal and caring.

She loves bringing her toys and putting them in my shoes as gifts.

She meows to make sure I know she gave me a gift.

She is very curious about new people, but she’s a little timid and gets scared sometimes.

Cindy is older now, so she likes taking a lot of naps and likes being right next to me.


She loves stuffed toys with catnip and feathery whips.

Her favorite treats are Friskies Party Mix and pieces of turkey deli meat.

She is such a wonderful companion!

Cindy is my shadow– wherever I go, she follows.

She loves being near me during the day and sleeps right next to me at night.

She greets me whenever I get home by running to the door and rubbing against my legs for attention.


Happily Ever After

14 years have passed and Cindy continues to thrive in her golden years!

Though Cindy is now a senior cat, she’s still young at heart.

She went from a scruffy little kitten to a healthy, happy princess with a fluffy mane.

Cindy is truly living a fairytale life, being spoiled and showered with love and attention every day.


She’s living happily ever after in true pound-to-princess fashion!

Want to see more of Cinderella? Follow her on Instagram!

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Thursday 16th of December 2021

She is so cute!

Molly Kasun

Tuesday 14th of December 2021

Cinderella is exquisite! Her eyes are like magic. Under all that lovely fur she seems to be a petite little girl. I can see why you love her so well. She might be your "once in a lifetime cat". I found an elderly, frail Siamese at the shelter where I volunteer, and I simply couldn't leave without him. In spite of his age and frailness, we had 10 more years together. He was my special cat and I will love his beautiful blue eyes forever. Enjoy your Cindy. I wish I had one just like her!


Tuesday 14th of December 2021

I am glad that Cinderella got adopted. She is a very beautiful cat.


Monday 13th of December 2021

That's a miracle for her. God bless her and the people who created those Bionic Paws. Now she can have a full life....