In June of 2020, a local rescuer in Fort Smith, Arkansas was releasing a recently spayed feral cat when she heard tiny cries coming from the woods.
She searched and searched until she finally found the source of the cries.
A puffy black kitten waddled out of the woods anxious to see her mother!
Keep reading to learn how a surprise encounter saved an innocent kitten from an uncertain fate…

Helping the Hopeless
Jen is the founder of Jen’s Kitty Rehab, a nonprofit committed to rescuing cats and kittens in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
A big part of Jen’s mission is to encourage and practice TNR (trap, neuter, return) for feral cats.
Earlier this year, several feral black cats with long fur began showing up to her colony of TNR cats for food.
In fact, there were so many that she began mistaking them for each other!

A Mysterious Guest
Since the cats looked so similar, it was difficult to tell which cats were fixed and which ones were not.
The cats received ear tips once they were fixed, therefore Jen was able to determine who was already fixed when she could get a closer look.

One day, Jen saw another black cat with long fur and assumed it might be one she had already fixed.
“I got closer, and there was no ear tip,” Jen said. “I said ‘we have another long haired black cat’.”
But first, this beautiful black cat needed a name. Jen named her Tresey.

Knowing this cat urgently needed to be spayed, she coaxed her into a humane trap and took her to the vet.
Little did she know, this cat had a big secret she was hiding!
A False Alarm
After the surgery, the vet informed Jen that this cat had recently had kittens.
Jen worried that she had accidentally taken the mother away from the kittens too soon.

“I took comfort in the vet saying that the kittens had recently been weaned and the mother’s milk supply was almost gone,” Jen said.
Happy to know the kittens did not need their mother for food, Jen returned home to help Tresey recover.

Good Things Come in Small Packages
Once Tresey had healed from her surgery, Jen released her back into the colony.
Jen went back later that night to make sure Tresey was doing okay.

While she was there, she heard kitten cries coming from the woods!
“I shined my flashlight in the woods and called for whatever I heard crying,” Jen said. “One little fluff ball waddled out and I managed to pick her up while she was eating!”
Jen immediately whisked away the kitten to a safe location while she waited to see the vet.

Send the Search Team
Jen was happy to have found one of Tresey’s kittens!
After finding this kitten, Jen and her family returned to the colony and searched day and night for other kittens.
They returned empty handed. It’s very possible this puffy black kitten was the only one Tresey had.

While adult feral cats can fend for themselves, feral kittens have a much harder time surviving.
In fact, the chances of this kitten surviving on her own were slim.
Since she had recently been weaned, her mom wouldn’t be protecting or providing for her much longer.
This would have left the kitten hungry and vulnerable all alone in the woods.

Fluffy, Puffy, and Fussy
Because of her thick and luscious coat, Jen and her daughter named the kitten Fluffy.
Jen rescuing Fluffy was the best thing that ever happened to her, but she didn’t know it yet!

“I felt very bad taking her away from her mom,” Jen said. “She was very angry when I first took her.”
It didn’t take long for her to warm up to her rescuers, though.
After a few days of bribing her with tasty treats and snacks, the Fluffy realized she was in a much better place.

Happily Ever After
Fluffy’s initial fussiness faded quickly once she saw how great Jen and her family were.
In fact, Fluffy is a “people person”!
“She loves being around people,” Jen shared. “She has no problem being around other cats, but she very much prefers people.”

Now that Fluffy knows how wonderful humans can be, she enjoys snuggling with her foster family and showering them with love.
Soon, Fluffy will be ready to be spayed and adopted.
Jen knows she will make a special family very happy!

About Our Hero
Jen’s Kitty Rehab is a nonprofit located is Fort Smith, Arkansas.
The organization consists of Jen, her family, and a network of local fosters.
They specialize in rescuing and rehabilitating neglected cats and kittens with severe medical needs.
Jen and her volunteers are relentless in their mission to give abused, overlooked, and neglected cats a second chance.

However, they are entirely self funded.
They rely on the generous donations of kind hearted individuals in order to continue rescuing kittens.
Please consider donating food or supplies directly to Jen’s Kitty Rehab through their Amazon Wishlist.
If you would like to donate toward a kitten’s medical treatment, please click here.

Be sure to follow Jen’s Kitty Rehab on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all their incredible rescue missions!
Thursday 19th of August 2021
Are the kitties adopted there, or can they travel?
Thursday 12th of August 2021
He says “what you do for the least of Mine you do for Me”. Bless you for your efforts. My first fur baby was a black rescue and I was proud to be owned by him for 13 years.
Mada Johnston
Monday 9th of August 2021
Thank you, Jen and crew. Great rescue story. To Linda re ear-tips: Yes, eartipping does mar a cat's looks and it's a shame, but there has to be a way for, say, an animal control officer to tell quickly if a cat has been neutered. It may be at dawn or dusk, dim light, many cats swarming around in and out of the bushes, etc. Let's hope that some day there will be a better way.
Lisa Gutierrez
Tuesday 3rd of August 2021
Those kittens are one of the best! I was given a very similar cat, and named her Kenini, along with her brother Lucky, a short haired tuxedo . They are now 13 weeks old and so freaking adorable, Kini is full of energy and fearless, but she loves nothjng more than to watch and play with her brother all day. She is also very sweet, loving and snuggly after letting up all that pent up energy. I hope she finds a good home and enjoys her life with her human.
I wish this world had more people like you and thank you for posting it really made me feel lucky to have gotten my two kitties at 2 months and that they survived their abandonment from their mother.
Robbie McLaine
Thursday 15th of July 2021
Good Bless ya'll so much! Thank goodness for your generosity!