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Helpless Kitten Trapped in Garbage Bin Cries Until Someone Hears & Refuses to Ignore Her

Helpless Kitten Trapped in Garbage Bin Cries Until Someone Hears & Refuses to Ignore Her

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On a cold winter day in Durham, England, a local resident heard an alarming noise coming from an unusual place. 

The sounds seemed to be coming from an industrial bin, but what was making the noise? And how did it get in there? 

Keep reading to discover how this local resident’s shocking discovery turned into a life saving mission. 

Cold & Frightened 

The unsuspecting resident finally located the source of the noises and immediately called the RSPCA for help.  

The truth was revealed: A 10-week-old kitten was cruelly dumped in an industrial bin where she was trapped and left to suffer a slow, painful death. 

Cold and frightened, she cried her little lungs out for help. 


No one knows how long she’d been trapped in the garbage bin, but one thing was certain– she was getting out of that bin. 

The answering animal collection officer, Shane Lynn, jumped into action. 

The bin was so tall that she had to use a ladder to climb into the bin and pull her out. 

He confirmed that she would have most likely died if not for the good Samaritan’s decision to take action.

Learning to Love Again

The kitten, initially nicknamed Miracle because of her miraculous rescue, was moved to the RSPCA Cat Rehoming Hub in Darlington.

There, a volunteer foster took over her case and renamed her Luna. 

Luna had only known how cruel the world could be. She’d never felt the love of a human– she’d only felt pain. 

It was no shock that she was shy and frightened around strangers. 

Her foster was committed to help socialize her by making sure Luna felt comfortable and safe in her new environment. 

A little patience and a lot of love went a long way for little Luna. 

She slowly emerged from her shell and became more playful and comfortable in the company of her human foster.

Finally, she was ready to start looking for her forever home!


From Tragedy to Triumph

Meanwhile, another family was experiencing a tragedy of their own. 

Paula Irwin and  her husband Phil were devastated after their 19-year-old cat passed, leaving them with a cat-shaped hole in their heart after almost two decades of beautiful memories.

The family didn’t intend on getting another cat, but everything changed when they heard about Luna.  

They saw Luna’s picture and story in the paper, and they knew that she deserved a loving home after the trauma she’d been through.

Paula and Phil decided to open their hearts and home to a kitten who would honor their former cat’s legacy.

They called the Cat Hub, reserved Luna, and adopted her as soon as they could. 

Now, Luna can start fresh and snuggle with her new forever family just in time for the New Year!


Happily Ever After 

Luna’s story became even more remarkable when staff realized that she was the 500th cat to be rehomed by the Cat Hub since it opened in 2018.

Their initial goal was to rehome 120 cats each year, but the hardworking staff and volunteer fosters have more than doubled their expectations. 

It’s fitting that such a special kitten would mark an equally special milestone.

Luna has since settled in perfectly in her new home where she is showered with endless love and attention from Paula, Phil, and their two daughters. 

Luna will never have to worry about being cold, hungry, or abandoned ever again. 

She went from a hopeless kitten trapped in a trash bin to a happy, healthy kitten with a loving family of her own. 

This is only one of the many heartwarming rescue stories The Cat Hub is responsible for. 

They look forward to connecting many more deserving kittens with wonderful families!

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Suzanne Roussel

Monday 18th of October 2021

Such a heart warming story ❤ thank you 💞 for saving her 💖 and giving her a good loving home god bless 🙏 all of you ❤ ♥

Charles Jones

Thursday 14th of October 2021

I have had many cats,all rescued.I only have one cat now,Rusty,17 found as a kitten in the snow.Loojs like Luna got a great family!


Friday 8th of October 2021

Thank you for saving this precious little kitten ,you are a hero .🙏❤️


Thursday 7th of October 2021

I am glad that Luna found a new home with a good family. There are good people out there in this world that adopt animals and very good care of them. They will never have to worry about be abused and left to starve. The people that do this to their animals should be ashamed of themselves. They will pay for it one of these days.

Dorri-ann Whymark

Sunday 3rd of January 2021

I can only say that while some Northerners can be really cruel to cats the majority are as kind and warm hearted as Luna's new family. I also share their pain of losing a much loved member of the family. I lost one who was 1 month off being 20 as well as 2 more in the last 12 months. Very dearly loved and missed by us and the other 2 cats we still have. They've only recently started to be playful again. Who says animals have no emotions? Anyway Luna is safe, warm, and happy and that's what counts. Mind you if I was to find out who dumped her I won't be so kind!!!


Thursday 7th of October 2021