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Library Cat Emerged Triumphant, Reclaims Job After Wrongfully Fired & Evicted by City Council

Library Cat Emerged Triumphant, Reclaims Job After Wrongfully Fired & Evicted by City Council

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Bowser the library cat sparked huge controversy when he was suddenly evicted from the place he’d called home for several years.

Bowser was initially adopted from the shelter as a kitten and hired by the local library in White Settlement, Texas to help with their rodent and pest issue. 

The friendly library cat’s job duties quickly extended beyond pest control. 

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

He boosted morale and made the library a warm, welcoming place for staff and visitors alike. 

It didn’t take long for everyone to fall in love with the library’s cutest employee

But after 6 blissful years of being a loyal library mascot, the city council voted that Bowser had to go.

Fierce Opposition

One council member, Elzie Clements, shared that he’d heard opinions of not wanting a cat in the library. 

He also expressed that he shared this opinion, despite it being an unpopular one.

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

“City Hall and City businesses are no place for animals,” said Clements, according to the Grizzly Detail

Local supporters of Bowser presented city council a petition with over 600 signatures in favor of keeping Bowser at the library. 

Even the mayor of the town, Ron White, was opposed to removing Bowser from the library.

Despite the community’s valiant efforts, the majority of the city council voted to evict Bowser. 

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

Alleged Prejudice Against Paws

The council made their decision citing health concerns for library visitors who suffered from cat allergies.

The library even offered a solution to the cat allergy dilemma, stating visitors could go to a different library or call in advance to request having Bowser isolated during their visit. 

Mayor White also noted that the library’s air purifier removes most of the allergens. 

The opposing council members didn’t appear to have any other reason to evict Bowser.

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

Despite the Mayor and library staff addressing the allergy concern, the council still voted to remove Bowser.

This led some people to believe the council’s decision was rooted in prejudice against cats.

Some suspect that the decision was a petty response to a city employee being denied permission to bring their dog into the library. 

“That cat doesn’t have anything to do with whether somebody can have their puppy at City Hall,” Mayor White told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. “That cat doesn’t hurt anybody. The council just went out and did this on their own because they don’t like cats.”

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

Library staff and regular visitors were very unhappy about Bowser’s eviction. 

While many people offered to adopt Bowser, those who know him well knew that he wouldn’t find a home he enjoys as much as the library. 

However, this wasn’t the end for the beloved library cat. 

Bring Bowser Back!

Several news publications caught wind of Bowser’s scandal and took it to the media. 

Soon, many eyes were on the small Texas town and their library cat scandal.

Support of Bowser from all over the world starting flooding in. 

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

Mayor White said he received over 1,500 emails in support of Bowser being reinstated as the library cat. 

Elize Clements, the same council member who publicly spoke in favor of removing Bowser from the library, introduced a motion to bring Bowser back. 

Bowser Emerges Triumphant

The council unanimously agreed to give Bowser his job back and the rest is history. 

Mayor White suggested the council members who voted to evict Bowser made their decision without realizing the negative response it would elicit. 

“I don’t think they understood what they had done to begin with and how it would affect everybody,” said Mayor White according to ABC News

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

“It was ridiculous to do that and they did it without thinking ahead,” said Mayor White. “It was absolutely wrong to begin with.”

Bowser emerged triumphant!

Library Cat for LIfe

The friendly feline has since been promoted to “Library Cat for Life”. 

Now that all the drama is behind them, Bowser can get back to business making the local library a fun, welcoming environment to learn in.

Follow Bowser on Instagram to see what he’s been up to!

Courtesy of White Settlement Public Library

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Pete Hall

Thursday 21st of July 2022

I wish our libraries in the UK had official Library Cats. My wife and I would never leave the building.

Suzanne Roussel

Thursday 9th of June 2022

That is so adorable 😍 💖 ☺ 💕


Thursday 19th of May 2022

How is Browser doing?no updates

Pasquale Fappiano

Saturday 14th of May 2022

What a Blessing Bowser is for this library. 🙏 Thank u NationalKitty for this beautiful and heartwarming story. 😇 P.F.


Saturday 14th of May 2022

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