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Man Rushes to Save Helpless Kitten Frozen to Tire, Now They’re Bonded for Life

Man Rushes to Save Helpless Kitten Frozen to Tire, Now They’re Bonded for Life

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Many people believe they have a guardian angel, though not many people know they are someone’s guardian angel. 

But as extraordinary as it sounds, that’s exactly what happened at a local tire shop in Commerce City, Colorado.

Keep reading to discover how fate brought together an ordinary tire shop customer with a kitten whose life depended on him. 

Courtesy of DDFL

Frozen in Fear

On a cold Colorado Day, a customer at a local tire shop heard desperate meowing outside. 

The sound seemed to be coming from underneath a parked semi-trailer. 

The temperature outside was below freezing and the warmth of the shop was hard to leave— but the pitiful cries were stronger than the lure of a cozy waiting room.

When he went to investigate, the customer made a shocking discovery: hanging off the side of the trailer tires was a kitten. 

Her paws and tail had frozen to the tire and she was stuck in place. 

He wasn’t sure how long the kitten had been stuck in this horrible position, but he knew he had to help free her.

Rushing to the Rescue

The customer examined the poor kitten’s situation and eventually devised a plan to free her without further trauma. 

He climbed underneath the semi-trailer and gently splashed warm water on the areas she was stuck to, being extra careful to keep her as warm and dry as possible. 

It took nearly 20 minutes, but in the end, it was a success! She was free at last. 

Courtesy of DDFL

Once she had been freed from her frozen prison, the customer wrapped her in a thick blanket and brought her to a local rescue, the Denver Dumb Friends League (DDFL).

There, she underwent a thorough physical exam and was given plenty of food, kisses, and warm blankets. 

A True Miracle 

Despite her horrendous experience, the five-week-old kitten perked up and was soon ready to play.

The vets and volunteers who worked on the kitten said that she suffered only minor injuries to her paws and tail. 

She was otherwise healthy. The customer’s heroic efforts paid off! 

Courtesy of DDFL

The vets said that without the customer’s help, the kitten would have certainly died.

In fact, she wouldn’t have made it through the night. The customer saved her just in time. 

DDFL staff will continue to monitor her until she’s ready for a foster home. 

Once in a foster home, she’ll be cared for and socialized until she’s ready to be spayed and adopted out to a loving home. 

Courtesy of DDFL

Coming Full Circle

Perhaps the most heart-warming part of the story is that the customer-turned-hero is ready to become a customer-turned-owner. 

Once the kitten is ready, he would like to adopt her. 

His love for her didn’t stop at the rescue.

He was her only hope when she was hopeless, appearing just in time like her guardian angel. 

Now he looks forward to sharing many more beautiful memories with the tiny bundle of joy he has promised to love and protect.

Courtesy of DDFL

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Wednesday 18th of May 2022

Such a cutie!

Joyce O'Malley

Wednesday 6th of April 2022

Great kitty stories!! Thank you wonderful kind people who rescued these little animals!! You are all heroes and blessed!!

Adrian Lee Steininger

Wednesday 6th of April 2022

Love the story ry about the brother kittens and the poor frozen kitten saved by a hero who freed her! I love my two kittens, both born in April. Miracle is 10 this months, a female & was saved by my daughter at 4 weeks old, has glaucoma in her right eye and is not afraid of thunder or the vacuum. She's a Perma Kitty. Charlie is a scaredy cat, runs away when people come but follows my husband around like a dog.


Sunday 31st of October 2021

Bless you kind sir🙏❤️. Wish there were more people like you!!!! Thank you for being you❣️❣️


Tuesday 4th of May 2021

That was a beautiful story. I am so glad the little kitten has a good home. There are good people out there in this world.