What started as a deadly, cruel crime ended with a heartwarming rescue for this lucky kitten.
When a driver spotted someone toss what appeared to be a small kitten out of a car window, they immediately called 911 for help.
Keep reading to discover how this innocent kitten was saved from a tragic fate.

A Cruel Discovery
What started as a regular Tuesday morning took an eventful turn for one driver.
The local was driving along North Sam Houston Parkway in Houston, Texas witnessed something heartbreaking.
The driver witnessed a nearby car toss something out of their vehicle and onto the busy road.
What was thrown out of that vehicle was an innocent kitten left to fend for herself, frightened and alone in heavy traffic with cars zooming dangerously close to her.
The driver immediately called 911 and reported the event, hoping local law enforcement would arrive on the scene.
Rushing to the Rescue
Thankfully, Harris County Constable Precinct 4 jumped into action to save the kitten’s life.
Lieutenant Fragkias arrived quickly to the scene and was able to locate the traumatized kitten in the middle of traffic.
The brave officer skillfully put traffic to a halt and carefully approached the frightened feline.
He scooped up the kitten and held him close to his heart, assuring her that he wasn’t going to hurt her.

Learning to Love
Finally out of harm’s way, the kitten responded to her hero with gratitude.
The sweet feline nestled up to Lt. Fragkias chest and climbed his shoulders, thanking her hero with cuddles and a loving gaze.
Lt. Fragkias was even able to snap a few selfies with his friend!
Safe and sound, the officer and the kitten made their way back to the police department where she would be fed a much needed meal and given warm place to rest.

Mending a Broken Heart
Until then, the weeks-old kitten had only seen the cruelest side of humans.
It’s unclear who committed the cruel crime that left this kitten stranded in traffic and left to die.
Authorities have not officially announced if they were able to locate or identify a suspect.
Despite the horror this innocent kitten had experienced, she found room in her heart to love and trust new people.

The police department shared their story on Facebook, announcing they were working on finding the sweet girl a loving home.
In as little as two days, the officers had a surprise for her.
Happily Ever After
“UPDATE: Kitty who was thrown onto the freeway has found a home!” announced Mark Herman of Harris County Constable Precinct 4.
After all she’d been through, the kitten who is now named “iris” has a new family in a safe place she can finally call home.
“The new loving owners have named her “Iris” in honor of Lieutenant Fraglias,” said Mark Herman on Facebook.
Thanks to Iris’s fateful heroes, she will never have to worry about being treated cruelly ever again.
“They are taking her to the vet today to ensure she is in good health,” Herman continued.
This miracle kitten can look forward to a lifetime of being showered with love and attention from her new forever family!

Thursday 16th of September 2021
Thank you for saving this precious little kitten, I hope the person who did this awful treatment to this poor kitten was caught.
Sunday 27th of June 2021
Real heroes in police uniforms are not limited to crime fighting but also life saving. The good officer is to be commended here as it's dangerous to stop traffic , hoping the other motorists will all comply. Iris is a beautiful kitty that I'm sure has lots of love to give it's new owners.
Suzanne Roussel
Sunday 27th of June 2021
This is such a heart warming story ❤ so adorable ? and sweet precious baby ? thank you for saving her ? god bless you ? poor baby some people are so cruel ? and thank you to the person that called the officer for help.
Friday 25th of June 2021
I am so glad that Iris has found a good home with a loving family. I hope they find the person that threw this little kitty out of their car window. God bless the family who made this kitten part of their family.
Joann Tyson
Friday 25th of June 2021
People are so cruel. Glad she found a loving home