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Lonely Tripod Kitten Befriends Another Rescue Kitten Who Makes Him Feel Whole

Lonely Tripod Kitten Befriends Another Rescue Kitten Who Makes Him Feel Whole

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In an animal shelter in rural Arkansas, a tiny kitten’s life hung in the balance.

A small orange kitten with unusual injuries was in dire need of help. 

Keep reading to discover how this once hopeless kitten blossomed into a happy, healthy little champion thanks to his rescuers and new friends! 

A Call for Help

It all started when Sarah Richardson, rescue coordinator for Community Cats of Central Arkansas (CCCA) received an emergency phone call from a local shelter. 

“I was told they had a kitten who needed medical care they couldn’t afford,” Sarah recalled. “If a rescue couldn’t step in, they were going to euthanize him.”

Despite being in a financial bind from the cats they were caring for after a disastrous tornado, Sarah couldn’t bear the thought of turning this kitten away. 

She hopped in her car and headed straight for the shelter to meet the little orange kitten she’d later name Ducky. 

Injuries have been blurred

Ducky’s Dire State

Weighing barely 1 pound, Ducky’s condition was heart-wrenching.

“He had burns all over his tiny body, including part of his face,” said Sarah. “He was in so much pain.”

To make matters worse, he was extremely malnourished and dehydrated. 

“He was barely weaned,” said Sarah. “His age, weight, and severity of injuries put him in a fragile state.”

Ducky needed immediate medical attention, and Sarah wasted no time jumping into action. 

“The shelter thought he needed burn care, so we acted quickly.”

A Troubling Diagnoses

Ducky’s veterinary examination uncovered a even more troubling news. 

“Ducky’s leg bone was visibly broken and infected,” Sarah described.

The damage was extensive, leaving no choice but emergency surgery.

“His leg was beyond saving; it was a painful, but necessary decision.”

However, Ducky was not a good candidate for surgery. 

It would be extremely risky operating on a 1 pound kitten in poor health. 

Sarah had no choice but to opt for the risky surgery; if he didn’t have the surgery, he would suffer a painful and certain death. 

Sarah waited anxiously as the surgery took place, praying little Ducky would pull through. 

Defying The Odds

The surgery was a success! 

Once his leg was removed and his burns were treated, Duck was ready to start his recovery journey. 

“Even in pain, he was incredibly sweet,” Sarah mused. “He’s a true bundle of joy.”

Ducky’s resilience and strong will to live were evident from day one. 

Most cats would have been fearful and withdrawn, but Ducky accepted love and care from his rescuers. 

It was obvious he trusted the kind strangers who vowed to take care of him. 

Rediscovering Kittenhood

Ducky continued to receive follow-up care from his vet and was put on a lengthy series of antibiotics. 

He felt and looked better with each passing day. 

Once he hit 1.5 pounds, Ducky playful spirit emerged. 

He started playing with toys and making friends! 

Ducky became particularly fond of another kitten rescued by CCCA around the same time he was. 

When they weren’t playing or exploring, they were curled up together on a warm blanket. 

“Once of our other rescue kittens had to have her tail removed because of a car engine accident, so they ended up having each other for support,” said Sarah. 

Fate had brought together two resilient kittens who helped each other heal. 

Ducky’s Boundless Love

Ducky’s heart knows no bounds. This little ray of sunshine captures the hearts of everyone he meets. 

“He’s never met a stranger,” said Sarah. “He adores everyone – dogs, cats, people, and kids,” 

Adjusting to having 3 legs has been breeze; he can walk, run, and climb just as well as a 4-legged cat. 

“His three-legged life doesn’t slow him down.”

In fact, his favorite activities include patio adventures and leash walks!

Looking Towards a Bright Future

Ducky is now fully vetted and thriving with his new forever family. 

“He’s adjusted wonderfully to his new life,” Sarah beamed. 

Sarah and CCCA are so happy they were able to offer him a bright future. 

However, Ducky living happily ever after came at a huge cost. 

We Need Your Help

Community Cats of Central Arkansas is a small, volunteer based non-profit rescue led by 2 women, yet they rescued 1279 cats and kittens this year. 

With limited funds and an alarmingly high number of rescue cats in critical condition, they had no choice but to limit intake. 

Without donations from kind-hearted individuals who help make these rescue missions possible, cats and kittens that had the potential to live happily ever after are now faced with a tragic fate. 

Please consider making a donation to Community cats of Central Arkansas through our Meow Mail program so they don’t have to turn away cats like Ducky. 

In exchange for your donation, you will be emailed an update on the cat(s) you helped support and how your donation benefited them. 

While you’re also welcome to donate food and supplies from their Amazon wishlist, there has been an increased need for funds to support medical treatments. 

Lastly, please follow Sarah on Instagram and Community Cats of Central Arkansas on Facebook to witness more of their heartwarming rescue missions.

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Gayle Anderson

Friday 22nd of December 2023

Thank you for providing surgery for sweet yellow kitty after tornadoe leg injury. I am so glad he is doing so well on three legs. I send you all blessings from our hearts. 💜


Thursday 14th of December 2023

Very cute, awesome little newsletter.