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10+ Hilarious Photos of Cats Photoshopped in Food

10+ Hilarious Photos of Cats Photoshopped in Food

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One of the best places on the internet to find the funniest cat photos is on the Instagram page, Cats_In_Food. You’ll find cats cleverly hidden in everything from ice-cream to spaghetti!

These hilarious photos of cats photoshopped into food are only a few of the page’s many photos. Be sure to follow Cats_In_Food to see all of their purrific creations!

Egg Yolk Cat
Sunny side up, please!

Croissant Kitty
The resemblance is shocking!

Oreo Catcake Delight
Although, she doesn’t look too delighted herself!

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Donut Kitty
A jelly belly and a jelly donut!

RELATED: 10+ Photos of Majestic Fat Cat Photoshopped Into Famous Art

Catten Candy
Fluffy and sweet!

Kitty Cone
Forget the waffle cone- everyone wants a kitty cone!

Cat Pear
They’re good for your heart!

Tangerine Cat
Tangy and refreshing!

Nothing like a nice bowl of catatoes.

You might get some fuzz in your mouth!

Meatball Kitty
This kitty doesn’t want to eat your dinner. He wants to sit in it.

Kitty Eclair
What a loaf!

Angel Catcake
Angel catcakes have the fluffiest frosting. They’re guaranteed to be irresistible!

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Kitty Egg
It’s certainly not the baby chick you were expecting!

RELATED: 20 Hilarious Cartoons That Explain Your Cat Purrfectly

Russian Blueberries 
This Russian Blue kitty is now a Russian Blue-berry!

Black Liquorice Catcone
It looks better than it sounds!

For more, follow @Cats_In_Food!


When you realize that it’s Monday tomorrow @einna._.c ??? #catsinfood

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