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Blind Senior Cat Rejected for Entire Life, Travels 1300 Miles Bouncing Between Homes

Blind Senior Cat Rejected for Entire Life, Travels 1300 Miles Bouncing Between Homes

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Meet our Meow Mail sponsored cat of the month, Griffin!

This sweet boy is a big mystery.

“He was recently dumped in someone’s backyard because they were tired of dealing with him,” said Sarah Richardson, a critical care cat rescuer for Community Cats of Central Arkansas.

Little did Sarah know, Griffin wasn’t any ordinary cat.

An Unusual Discovery

Griffin was originally sold by a breeder in Arizona, but somehow eded up in an animal shelter in a small town in Arkansas.

They were going to euthanize the remaining cats and poor Griffin was no exception.

He was blind and estimated to be roughly 15 years old.

Upon hearing that Griffin’s time was running out, a local woman adopted him to prevent the blind senior cat from being euthanized.

However, she wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

Calling for Backup

The woman had no idea that Griffin was a Savannah cat, a crossbreed between an African serval and domestic cat.

Much like their ancestors, these big cats have a strong hunting instincts and high energy demands.

Because of Griffin’s unmet need for vigorous activity, he was very destructive while living indoors.

After two weeks of Griffin living indoors, the woman resorted to keeping him in her backyard.

Griffin became severely dehydrated and sick in the hot temperatures, leaving the woman no choice but to surrender him to Community Cats of Central Arkansas.

Upon hearing of the news, Sarah sent a picture of Griffin to her vet who immediately identified him as a Savannah cat.

Sarah was shocked by what she discovered when she drove to the woman’s house to retrieve him.

Rushing to The Rescue

“He’d withered away to skin and bones. It was horrible,” Sarah recalled.

Healthy Savannah cats should be 20-25 pounds, but Griffin weighed a mere 7 pounds in his fragile state.

“He was 15 pounds underweight. Pictures don’t do it justice,” said Sarah.

Sarah also discovered he was microchipped and decided to do some investigating.

She was shocked to find out that Griffin was originally sold by a breeder in Arizona.

How did an expensive 15 year old exotic cat from Arizona end up on the brink of death in rural Arkansas?

Mystery Solved

After making more calls from his microchip records, she finally solved Griffin’s mystery.

Griffin had bounced between 5 different homes before winding up in her care.

None of his previous owners wanted him back or seemed to care what happened to him.

Instead of spending his life with a loving forever family, he’d been dragged 1,300 miles in 15 years only to be rejected over and over again.

Now he has double cataracts, early stage kidney failure, and a horrible UTI.

Sarah wasted no time getting him antibiotics and IV fluids.

He’ll need to be on a special treatment plan and diet in order to get stabilized.

Despite his condition, Griffin has a strong will to live. He’s a fighter!

“He’s made it this far and we’re going to make sure he spends his golden years being loved and cared for,” said Sarah.

After all he’s been through, Griffin deserves a true forever family that loves him unconditionally.

Happily Ever After

After spending most of his life bouncing between shelters and homes that rejected him, sweet Griffin has finally found peace in a safe place he can call home. 

Since Griffin will need specialized care for the rest of his life, the veterinarian treating him offered to be his forever family.

Though it’s uncertain exactly how long he’ll live, one thing is certain: he is loved unconditionally.

He’ll spend the remainder of his life being cared for the way he’d always deserved.

**UPDATE 11/12/22**

It is with great sadness that we inform everyone of Griffin’s passing.

Everyone fought hard to help him recover and stay stable, but his health took a sudden turn for the worse.

Though Griffin crossed the rainbow bridge, his memory lives on in everyone’s hearts.

He passed away knowing what it means to be loved and cared for unconditionally.

Unconditional love is something each and every cat deserves to experience, regardless of their age, breed, or health.

We hope that Griffin’s story opens people’s hearts to senior cat adoption and serves as a reminder not to purchase cats from breeders.

If you’d like to make a donation to other senior cats in honor of Griffin, please donate to the senior cat fund through our Meow Mail program.

Community Cats of Central AR is a small 501(c)3 non-profit rescue organization led by two women in a rural community with high animal cruelty rates.

They’re one of the few rescues in Arkansas that rescue senior cats, many of whom have been abandoned or need to be pulled from shelters to prevent euthanasia.

They rely on donations from kind-hearted individuals to continue saving cats & kittens that have suffered from neglect, abuse, or abandonment.

By donating as little as $10, you’ll be sent a progress picture and heartwarming update on how your donation changed a senior cat’s life.

Please consider making a recurring donation to receive Meow Mail each month for future cats and kittens in critical condition.

Follow Sarah on Instagram to see more of Sarah’s incredible rescue cats!

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Sarolta Elizabeth Kereszy

Thursday 22nd of June 2023

It's C21st and we behave as if we are living in the dark ages, despite our improved numeracy & literacy. Why is compassion so absent amongst us?


Saturday 3rd of December 2022

It sucks that he died after a life of getting rejected by humans. RIP, cutie.


Wednesday 30th of November 2022

The woman who threw him outside should have been prosecuted 🤬🤬🤬

Michael Freitas

Saturday 19th of November 2022

I'm glad that Griffin finally found a Loving Forever Home. I'm just sorry that he had to go through so much before. Griffin deserved a lot better. RIP and God Bless Griffin. Thanks to all those who helped him


Sunday 13th of November 2022

This is brought me to tears I mean 15 years bouncing between people who didn't want you just to finally find somebody and you die it is so sad