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Cat Lost In Wildfire Reunited with Family, Owner Sheds Tears of Joy

Cat Lost In Wildfire Reunited with Family, Owner Sheds Tears of Joy

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A devastating wildfire broke out and consumed a once peaceful neighborhood in California.

In the midst of all of the chaos, one family’s newly adopted cat, Mayson, ran into the blaze after an explosion.

The family never thought they’d see him again. They had almost lost hope, until one day they received great news.

Keep reading to discover this family’s beautiful story of being reunited with their beloved cat!

The Search Begins

Curtis Mullins and his wife Laci Ping were shocked and terrified when their cat, Mayson, fled out of their house and into the fire.

Courtesy of CBS News

They had received strict orders from surrounding firemen and were not allowed to chase after their frantic kitty.

Laci was devastated. “I couldn’t reach him. I don’t know how he squeezed himself out. My body literally aches at the thought of never seeing him again,” she stated.

With all of their belongings packed, the couple was forced to leave their lost cat behind.

Courtesy of Laci Ping

The Search Continues

After leaving everything behind, they began thinking of ways to somehow locate Mayson. They decided to take their efforts to the internet.

They posted his pictures on social media apps like Facebook, desperately hoping that someone had seen their beloved cat.

They checked these websites regularly in hopes that someone had rescued Mayson.

A Shocking Discovery

The couple had almost lost hope, until they stumbled upon a Facebook post made by the UC Davis School Of Veterinary Medicine.

The school had posted about rescuing a pair of kitties in the wildfire aftermath.

Chris and Laci immediately recognized their cat in the photo, and were overjoyed that little Mayson had been found at last!

They rushed to the vet’s office, and found their cat cuddled up inside of a cardboard box.

Overcome with joy, Laci scooped him out of the box and gave him a big hug.

The family of three was reunited at last. This special moment was captured in the photo below.

Courtesy of Laci Ping

The Road to Recovery

Although Mayson survived the fire, he did suffer burns on all four of his paws.

For several days, he had to strut around in his new casts while he healed.

Courtesy of Laci Ping

He gave Laci one last hug before returning to the care of the doctor.

Mayson needed to stay at the vet’s office for a week before he could return to his loving family.

The students and doctors at the vet’s office assured her that they would give Mayson the best quality of care and get him back to normal as soon as possible.

They were almost as excited as Laci that the family was reunited!

Courtesy of Laci Ping

A Happy Ending At Last

Even though the family was reunited, unfortunately, Chris and Laci lost their home in the fire.

With nothing left behind, they are ready to start a new life with their kitty.

Despite their circumstance, the couple remains positive.

Courtesy of Laci Ping

Laci even shared some words of inspiration to those who might be suffering from the loss of a pet, “I want all people to believe and keep hope,” she urged.

“Don’t stop searching and make sure you check every Facebook page out there that are posting about lost pets.”

Mayson is now reunited with his family and looks forward to sharing a lifetime of new adventures with them!

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Monday 6th of December 2021

I think it was pawsome that there is someone who can help out an animal in need .Cudos

Suzanne Roussel

Wednesday 31st of March 2021

That is so incredible what a sweet loving story i am so happy for the 3 of them thank you for sharing such a lovely ? story with me


Wednesday 30th of October 2019

So happy you have him back with you guys.He’s Beautiful!!

christine Severson

Tuesday 29th of October 2019

They said that there were a pair of kitties found. What happened to the other Kitty?


Thursday 31st of October 2019

I'm sure he or she was returned to his rightful owner or put in foster care to find a forever home.


Friday 13th of September 2019

So glad he was found . You were very nice to listen and not go after him. I would not have listened...i have many rescued cats.....but glad all is well again. Best wishes for a happy new life for the 3 of you..