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Helpless Kitten Tragically Loses Mom, Clings to Woman and Strives for Better Life

Helpless Kitten Tragically Loses Mom, Clings to Woman and Strives for Better Life

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It was a hot summer day in Arkansas when a woman discovered three orphaned infant kittens on the verge of suffering a tragic fate. 

With no mother in site, the woman knew she was their only hope.

Keep reading to find out how these lucky kittens beat the odds!

A Tragic Loss

One fateful summer afternoon, an elderly woman was horrified when she discovered her cat was attacked by dogs. 

She bravely drove the dogs away, but sadly, it was too late for the mama cat. 

Luckily, the mama cat’s three kittens were saved.

The woman now needed to find someone who could help the kittens survive without their mother. 

She posted her story online hoping a kind person would come to the rescue.

Rushing to the Rescue

Local cat rescuer, Stephanie Pinkerton, came across the woman’s post online. 

She had experience bottle feeding kittens and knew she was up to the task. 

As fortune would have it, Stephanie was fostering a mama cat that might let the orphan kittens nurse!

Stephanie was determined to save these kittens’ lives. 

A New Mom

Stephanie picked up the three kittens and brought them home. 

Once they were settled, the first order of business was to see if the mamma cat, Britta, would accept them.

“I introduced them to her and she accepted them immediately,” Stephanie shared. “Britta started grooming them and they immediately started nursing.”

Stephanie was so relieved!

The kittens were much more likely to survive with Britta’s milk as opposed to bottle feeding.

She couldn’t have asked for things to go any better.

It was like they were all meant for each other!

Trouble in Paradise

One kittens in particular, Muffin, was the smallest of the litter.

Stephanie started to grow concerned when Muffin started experiencing complications from an infection. 

Kittens as young as Muffin have a high risk of death when they fall ill.

However, Stephanie knew Muffin would pull through. 

Muffin was tiny and fragile, but she was strong! 

What Muffin lacked in size she made up for in personality and perseverance.

She had the will to live!

Beating the Odds

Muffin was put on antibiotics and watched closely by Stephanie. 

Soon enough, Muffin was back in good health!

Stephanie was thrilled to see her make a full recovery. 

During Muffin’s treatment, she had to be isolated from her siblings.

She had missed them so much!  

After Muffin’s recovery, she was very excited to be reunited with her siblings. 

Now she could get back to doing what she did best: playing and snuggling with her brothers and sisters. 

Muffin even started to grow and catch up to her siblings in size.

“Muffin is doing wonderful,” Stephanie said. “She hit a growth spurt. I think the infection had kept her from growing like she needed to.” 

Looking For Forever

Once Muffin was healthy and old enough, she was spayed and vetted to prepare for adoption. 

Now all she needs is a forever family! 

“She is kind of shy at first,” Stephanie said. “When she warms up, she is so playful and loving towards you. She just wants to play.”

Muffin looks forward to getting to know her adopter.

Stephanie is confident she will find the perfect family. 

Muffin can’t wait to curl up in the arms of her forever family where she will be showered with love and attention!

About Our Hero

Stephanie Pinkerton is a kind-hearted independent rescuer committed to rescuing cats and kittens in life threatening emergencies.

Had Stephanie not been so quick to the rescue, Muffin and her siblings would have suffered a terrible fate.

Stephanie is committed to preventing the miserable cycle of suffering and neglect caused by overpopulation.

All her rescue cats are spayed/neutered before finding their forever homes.

However, Stephanie is entirely self funded.

She relies on kind individuals to donate food, funds, and other essential supplies for her to continue rescuing cats.

Please consider donating an item directly to Stephanie through her Amazon Wishlist.

If you would like to donate toward a cat or kitten’s spay/neuter or medical funds, please click here to help Stephanie continue her life saving missions.

Be sure to join Stephanie’s Facebook group and keep up with all her latest rescue kittens!

Britta’s Legacy

Earlier this year, mama Britta earned her angel wings too soon and crossed the rainbow bridge.

The young mother was a hero, nursing several orphaned kittens and being the mother they never had.

Thanks to Britta, all of her “adopted babies” grew up to be healthy and strong.

Stephanie is devastated loss, but takes comfort in knowing Britta is no longer suffering.

Britta lives on in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to witness her love and warmth.

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Suzanne Roussel

Monday 27th of September 2021

Sorry for your loss 😢 R.I.P sweet baby Brita you are so adorable ❤ and sweet precious baby 💘 you are now a beautiful precious angel 😇 God bless you sweet Brita


Monday 27th of September 2021

I love little muffin. How can I adopt her? What state are you in? Linda

Sharon R(Sharri) Christopher

Sunday 26th of September 2021

Hi I always enjoy the stories getting saved even though there might be something in there that might be sad .I miss my Days of volunteering with kitties because of the covid 19 Thank you for saving this little family.

Molly Kasun

Sunday 26th of September 2021

What a wonderful outcome! Bless the mama kitty killed by a roaming dog. That is a needless, very sad and avoidable death. Surely the result of people allowing pets to roam outdoors unsupervised. But her babies, her legacy, live on, just as it should be. Lots of heros here, a heartwarming story with a very happy ending. The little sick runt kitten is a prime example of ALL living thing's desire for life. Thanks for posting.

Rob M Thompson

Sunday 26th of September 2021

A BIG THANKS to Stephanie and all other animal rescuers! In many ways, our animals that we decide to connect with help to alleviate the pain of so much ugliness in the world. If you are searching for a pet, please adopt. PS, DO NOT give your cats CANNED Tuna or the juice, (water/oil) to your cats. The sodium will destroy their kidneys.