In May of 2020, a horribly injured kitten mysteriously appeared on a woman’s porch.
When she noticed how badly he was injured, she sprung into action.
Keep reading to learn how two kind women showed this helpless kitten the true meaning of love!

A Shocking Discovery
A woman in Jonesboro, Arkansas walked out of her house one day and spotted a tiny kitten outside.
She soon realized this kitten was in critical condition. He had difficulty walking and his mouth was bloody.
She quickly contacted Cara and Julie of Whiskers 316 to see if they could help.
“We have a rule that we never turn away single orphan injured kittens,” Cara shared. “So, she brought him out to us.”

Grateful for Love
When Cara and Julie were able to take a closer look at the kitten, they expected him to be timid and scared.
However, he was just the opposite! He would purr and rub against their legs and hands for attention.
“He was just so grateful to be loved and safe,” Cara shared. “It was what he wanted all this time.”
Cara and Julie were able to clean his wounds and give him some basic treatment, but they knew the kitten’s injuries would almost certainly require surgery.
They watched him closely overnight and rushed to the vet the next morning.

The Ugly Truth
The sweet little kitten was estimated to be 5-6 weeks old.
He had a number of painful injuries, one of which affected the way he walked.
“It was clear that something was very wrong with his walk and that’s why we called him Mr. Bean, because he walked like him,” Cara shared.
The vet was certain that Mr. Bean’s injuries had resulted from being thrown out of a car.
The poor baby had bruised lungs, road rash, a pelvic injury, and a severely injured mouth.
His road rash had become infected and the skin from his mouth had become disconnected from the underlying muscle.
To make matters worse, his pelvic injury prevented him from being able to defecate on his own. He was severely backed up and required enemas.
Mr. Bean had spent too much of his short life suffering. It was time for this to change!

A Sparkle of Hope
Mr. Bean was in such bad shape that Cara and the rest of Whiskers 316 were afraid he might not make it.
Nevertheless, they kept their fingers crossed.
“The vet he’s got a chance if we were willing to help him through this’” Cara said. “We were like, heck yea!”
The vets immediately got to work on surgery for Mr. Bean’s mouth and alleviating him of the discomfort caused by his pelvic injury.

Road to Recovery
Mr. Bean’s surgery was successful, all things considered. He was on pain medication for two weeks straight following surgery.
“He was in a lot of pain,” Cara shared. “But, he was so happy and so sweet and so cuddly!”
Cara and Julie are so happy that Mr. Bean has made a full recovery and can walk normally!
The damage to his mouth was so extensive that they were not able to repair it to look the way it did before his injuries.
“He looks a little bit like a bulldog. His bottom teeth show,” Cara said. “But, it doesn’t affect his eating and his infection is gone!”
Happily Ever After
Cara knew that while Mr. Bean might not look like every other kitten, there was a family out there who would love him for who he is.
Sure enough, such a family existed!
All the way from Little Rock, Arkansas, a family had been keeping up with Whiskers 316’s updates on Mr. Bean.

“They fell in love with his story and they’re driving up tomorrow afternoon to adopt him,” Cara shared with National Kitty. “They just think he’s the greatest.”
Mr. Bean is now safe, happy, and healthy with his forever home where he can give and receive all the love his beautiful little heart desires.
“He’s just a happy little guy, ” Cara shared. “He’s one of our worst case scenarios that turned out to be the best case scenario!”
About Our Heroes
Cara and Julie are the heroic ladies of Whiskers 316.
These two women singlehandedly rescue abused and neglected kittens in Northeast Arkansas, a region of the state notorious for animal cruelty to cats and kittens.
“We get calls at least once a week about people throwing kittens out of cars,” Cara stated. “It’s a disgusting, horrible thing to do.”
To make matters worse, there are no consequences for the people who commit these crimes.
They often go unnoticed.
Cara and Julie’s mission is to save these kittens and find them loving homes.

“Everyone wants to adopt the cute kittens, but we have special kittens with missing eyes or limbs,” Cara told National Kitty.
“I want people to see the beauty in them. They deserve love just as much as any other kitten,” Cara shared.
Cara and Julie are entirely self funded. They are just regular people on a mission to save neglected kittens.
Support Whiskers 316 by following them on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all their latest rescue kittens!

Nancy J Lazeski
Tuesday 27th of April 2021
I enjoy my new kitty her name is kitty softpaw she's turning out a beautiful girl she is my pride and joy I'm so happy for those beautiful babies got a loving home I hate people being so cruel to any animal I love animals
Steve Hollar
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
We will never know for sure but suspect one of our little guys had been tossed from a moving car. He crawled out of the woods looking for food. He was emaciated. His poor little body was skin and bones. He was covered with flea bites, his right ear was bent over and it appeared his right paw had been broken and healed crooked. He was so scared. We finally coxed him into the house. He is now our "Bear" and is one of the best kitties we've ever had. Follows us around like a little puppy.
Shelley. Cloutier
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
Thank you for taking such good care of sweet Mr.Bean and giving him all the love and care he deserves and for finding him a loving caring home❤️❤️❤️❤️ As for the person who threw this sweetie out a car window you are a horrible awful monster who will pay for what you did!!!?????
Ligia Myriam Charvet
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
Thank you for caring! ❤God Bless you!???
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
I am so glad that Mr Bean got adopted. He. Will be happy and will not suffer anymore.