Sugar, a beautiful Himalayan mix, faced a harsh reality as she was shuffled from one home to another.
Her life took a turn for the worse when she ended up living in a cramped carrier inside her previous owner’s car.
Keep reading to discover how Sugar found love and acceptance despite her tragic start.

Unusual Origins
Sugar’s previous owner claimed severe allergies and reached out to Sarah Richardson, the rescue coordinator for Community Cats of Central Arkansas, to surrender her.
“The woman sent me Sugar’s photo and said it was an emergency because they’d been moving her back and forth between family,” Sarah explained.
Despite being only three years old, Sugar had already been rehomed six times.
The latest owner even tried to pass her off to a boyfriend, who also claimed allergies.
Sarah informed the woman that they could only accept owner surrenders on a case-by-case basis due to the rescue’s maximum capacity and the need to prioritize high-risk cats.
However, the owner was relentless.
The next message revealed the true urgency of the situation.

A Bizarre Exchange
“She told me that Sugar is now living in a carrier in their car,” Sarah shared. “Which is downright inhumane.”
Unable to let Sugar endure such conditions any longer, Sarah agreed to take her in.
The owners arrived at Sarah’s house within 16 minutes.
“It was a very bizarre exchange,” Sarah said. “They were clearly desperate to get rid of her. There was no goodbye or anything to suggest Sugar had been significant to them.”
Thankfully, Sugar’s life began to improve from that moment.
Unlike many of the cats Sarah cares for, Sugar was healthy.
“She had some fleas from when her owners tried dumping her outside, but other than that, she’s in really good shape,” Sarah noted.

A New Start
For the first two days, Sugar was very frightened and hid from everyone.
Once the shock wore off, she started making more frequent appearances.
As she began to mingle with others in the house, her true personality emerged.
She loved everyone—kids, other cats, and even dogs.
“Her previous owners tried to say she was mean to their other cats, but I know that’s a lie,” Sarah said. “Sugar has never met a stranger.”

Sugar is a total lap cat; she never leaves a seat unattended.
“She wants to be close to you all the time,” Sarah shared. “She’s the perfect companion for someone who wants an extra affectionate cat.”
If she can’t find a lap, she snuggles up next to one of the resident animals or curls up by a window for a long nap.
“She’s very chatty,” Sarah added. “She likes to get up on the counter and talk to us.”

Happily Ever After
We’re happy to announce that Sugar has officially been adopted and found the perfect forever family!
She’ll never have to worry about being tossed outside or re-homed ever again. This is her final destination.
If you’d like to help more cats like Sugar be rescued and find their forever families, please consider donating to the Meow Mail program emergency fund.
In exchange for your donation, you’ll be sent a heartwarming update about how your donation helped a cat in need.
About Our Heroes
Donations benefit Community Cats of Central Arkansas, a small 501(c)3 non-profit that rescues and rehabilitates cats that are victims of cruelty, neglect, and abandonment in a rural part of Arkansas with high animal cruelty rates and limited resources.
See more of their incredible work by following their rescue coordinator, Sarah Richardson, on Instagram and Facebook.