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Goofy Kitten Proudly Earns Spot on Naughty List for Climbing Christmas Tree

Goofy Kitten Proudly Earns Spot on Naughty List for Climbing Christmas Tree

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This mischievous rescue kitten is enjoying his first Christmas a little too much!

He’s earned himself a spot on the naughty list and he’s proud.

Keep reading to discover how one goofy kitten is spreading Christmas cheer with his adventurous spirit!

An Ordinary Day Made Extraordinary

“There’s a cat café at the end of my street, so whenever we go on walks, we see the cats through window,” said Leah. 

And when they saw a grey kitten that caught their eye, they finally made an appointment.

“We saw a little gray kitten through the window staring back at us,” Leah recalled.

The days leading up to the appointment seemed to last forever as they longed to see the beautiful gray kitten again.  

“We knew we wanted a buddy for our other cat because he had some separation issues,” Leah said.

A Special Spark 

When the day of the appointment Finally arrived, Leah was worried they’d already missed their opportunity. 

There were plenty of adorable kittens, but the gray kitten they’d had their eyes on was nowhere in sight.

“A lot of the cats had already been adopted and we thought the kitten we’d seen was gone,” Leah recalled. 

Just when they thought they’d missed their chance, they saw the kitten curled up on a couch alone.

“He was just sitting on a couch by himself and he was really cute!” said Leah.

They gently picked him up and the rest was history!

“He had just been neutered, so he was being really calm and he just snuggled with us the whole time we were there,” Leah said.

Now it was time for the next challenge: introducing their new kitten to their resident cat.

The Perfect Pair

They adopted the three-month-old kitten, named him Walter, and finally brought him home. 

After a short adjustment period, Walter and Leah’s other cat, Bronson were able to meet. 

Luckily, Bronson was just as excited for this tiny gray miracle as the rest of the family.

“He and Bronson are obsessed with each other. They had an instant connection,” Leah said. “They love to snuggle and play.” 

She’d heard horror stories about cats not getting along, but Bronson and Walter were two peas in a pod. 

“They get along great. They’re just perfect together!” Leah shared.

The two brothers love spending time together and can often be found playing tag around the apartment.

With the Christmas season approaching, Bronson and Walter’s games have taken a new turn…

Christmas Chaos 

Walter and Bronson have been up no good.

Their Christmas tree curiosity has landed them a spot on the naughty list!

They don’t seem to care though.

In fact, they’re proud!

They’re having too much fun to worry about what Santa (or their parents) would think.

Surely Santa will make an exception for this adorable duo.

They know mom and dad will spoil them with treats and toys no matter what.

“If they’re chasing each other, Walter will dive into the tree from the couch. Luckily it hasn’t fallen over,” Leah laughed.

And when he’s not playing chasing games, Walter trades his hiding place for a snooze spot.

“We haven’t put any decorations on the tree because he’s been getting in it every day, multiple times a day,” Leah said. “He just likes climbing in there and sitting.”

Despite Walter’s naughty behavior, Leah is understanding.

“I guess I would probably like it too if I were a cat,” she said. 

They’re certainly not letting it dampen their holiday spirit. 

Instead, they’re focusing on what really matters: family. 

Walter is a new addition to their family, but they feel like he was always meant to be with them. 

They look forward to showering him with love (and being showered with pine needles in return) for many Christmases to come.

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Tuesday 28th of December 2021

Thank you for giving this precious beautiful cat a loving home.❤️❤️

Joke Naber

Monday 20th of December 2021

I think they are adorable. However, I saw in the photo behind him a cheese plant. They are very poisounus to cats. Be careful. Xx

Jane ellen Andreassi

Monday 20th of December 2021

So beautiful! I love men who love cats!♥️♥️♥️

Suzanne Roussel

Monday 20th of December 2021

Adorable sweet precious babies 💖 💗 cuteness overload 💘 😍 💖 💓 💕

Bonnie Heslep

Sunday 19th of December 2021

My two cats were stolen by my neice and rehomed. She has lost her mind. I hope i get a lovely story like this someday soon. They are my children.