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Kitten Glued To Road Adopted By Her Rescuers

Kitten Glued To Road Adopted By Her Rescuers

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A tiny kitten in Salem, Oregon may have just used one of her nine lives.

One Friday morning in October 2018 Chuck Hawley was driving to work down when he saw something that shocked him…

Courtesy of @stickythekitty

A Horrifying Discover

Several cars were driving in morning traffic on their way to work, yet the kitten was standing in the middle of the road.

Normally, a kitten would run out of the road for safety. When the kitten didn’t budge, Hawley realized something was terribly wrong…

When Hawley got closer, he realized that the 5-week old kitten had been intentionally glued to the pavement with what looked like rubber cement.

Horrified by the cruelty, Hawley knew he had to act fast.

He pulled over immediately and rushed through the traffic to rescue the kitten.

Courtesy of @stickythekitty

Rushing to the Rescue

Hawley had to carefully peel each paw from the roadway.

Hawley told KGW News, “When I went to pick her up, her feet were stuck to the road, and I’m like, ‘uh oh.’ So I start to pull her feet up, and it was like a rubber cement, so she was glued to the road. It was all under her neck and then she had a little bit down her side, but it was mostly her tail and her feet.”

Hawley knows that this gruesome crime against the innocent kitten was done intentionally.

He goes on to say, “We were hoping that she had just walked through glue, but it was pretty apparent that somebody had soaked her feet in glue and sort of rubbed it into the pads of her feet.”

“I think the way she was sitting someone actually went out and put her there. Because there were no glue foot prints around, it was just a glob of glue under her, so it looked like someone just took her and put her in the road,” Hawley told reporters.

Courtesy of @stickythekitty

Safe at Last

Hawley took the kitten, whom he named “Sticky,” to a local veterinarian to get her checked out and cleaned up after her traumatic ordeal.

The staff used mineral oil to remove the rubber cement from Sticky’s paws.

They also found small puncture wounds on her neck, but they aren’t sure what caused them.

What is certain is that someone was abusive to Sticky before she was rescued.

Marion County Sheriff’s Deputies took pictures of Sticky’s injuries and investigated who might have stuck her to the road.

Courtesy of @stickythekitty

A Forever Family

Oddly enough, just a few nights before Hawley and his wife had been talking about getting a cat.

They never expected to get one the way that they got Sticky, but they couldn’t be more thrilled.

Sticky made a full recovery from her injuries and now has a forever home, complete with loving humans and a couple of dogs.

Hawley’s wife shared photos and videos of Sticky’s recovery on a Facebook page she created, called Sticky The Kitty.

Now, they share the life and times of Sticky, enjoying her new home with people who love her.

In just a short period of time, Sticky already has more than 35,000 followers.

“We’ve gotten messages from everywhere – Portugal, Australia, Sweden,” Hawley said.

Courtesy of @stickythekitty

Happily Ever After

Sticky had a rough time in the beginning of her little life, but thanks to a kind-hearted stranger, Sticky now has a loving and safe forver home.

The pets and people involved could not be more thrilled.

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Suzanne Roussel

Wednesday 31st of March 2021

I'm so happy ? someone kind saved her.thankyou kind man for saving her. God bless you

Shelley cloutier

Friday 26th of March 2021

You sir are my true hero! Thank you so much for saving this sweet precious little kitten! I am so thrilled she has a safe loving home, and to ever the monster is who did this may you burn in hell?

Barbara Hansen

Friday 26th of March 2021

How could someone deliberately be so horribly cruel to that to an innocent kitten? God bless that kind man who rescued her and gave her a loving new home.


Thursday 25th of March 2021

You have to wonder how many saw her but didnt stop or even care thats what bothers me.. someone did this and probably worse to other animals... to bad there is no way to find the mentally disturbing person and make them pay!

Michael Freitas

Thursday 25th of March 2021

I read this story on Love Meow a while ago and I still can't believe how cruel some people can be. Mr. Hawley is an angel. Thank You for rescuing Little Stickey and giving her a Loving Home and Family. Best Wishes to Mr. Hawley and Miss Stickey. God Bless Always