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Special Kitten with Long Fangs & Crooked Legs Works Hard to Overcome Disability

Special Kitten with Long Fangs & Crooked Legs Works Hard to Overcome Disability

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One summer, a local resident in Ridgewood, Queens, New York found a small kitten in the backyard.

Just by looking at the kitten, the resident could tell something was wrong. 

He was frail, sickly looking, and something was terribly wrong with his legs.

He needed medical attention immediately!

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

The resident who found the kitten contacted Jacqueline, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescuer for help.

Jacqueline acted quickly and they were off to the vet. 

It turns out, the kitten was born with a genetic condition that caused a deformity in his legs.

The Road to Recovery

He weighed less than a pound at six weeks old, but the rescuers could tell this little guy was a fighter!

Even though he was very weak, his determination took over and he began to eat.  

“Even though he ate on his own and was acting like a big boy, he was still so tiny.” Jacqueline tells Love Meow.

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

The kitten began his treatment journey. He needed to be bottle fed frequently and have physical therapy.

Rescuers knew getting him back to good health wouldn’t be easy, but they gladly accepted the challenge.  

It was time for the kitten to be placed in a foster home who would take care of his special needs.

A rescue group in New York City called Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR accepted him with open arms.

A Little Help Goes A Long Way

A volunteer from the rescue, Dina, offered a helping hand.  

“On his first day home, he blended in seamlessly with his new family. He was very curious and still had some use of his hind legs, so he would walk around exploring his environment and his new roommates,” Dina said.

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Nothing seemed to keep this little kitten down. He didn’t seem to care he was different.

He did everything he could to keep up with the rest of his new cat friends. 


As he started to grow, so did his charming fangs.

They added another layer of originality that defined his uniqueness even more and he was named Speck-Tabular!

Rescuers started to call him Speck for short.

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Speck started to work on his muscles by doing water physical therapy.

In fact, Speck might be one of the only cats we know of to receive water therapy!

After getting warmed up to water therapy, he was ready for the next step – a cart. 

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Just like a human, he wore a brace and use a little cart to help him learn how to walk and strengthen his muscles. 

Getting used to his new cart wasn’t an easy task, but with the help of some tasty treats as encouragement, he mastered it in no time!

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Speck’s veterinarians still aren’t sure exactly what his condition is or what caused it, but are working hard to figure it out. 

“We’re currently working with the specialists at The University of Pennsylvania to try to identify what his condition is,” Dina explained.

“Our goal is to spoil him rotten so he can be the happiest little guy in the universe.”

Being Special is Beautiful

Speck is an energetic, fun-loving, and determined kitten who has worked hard to overcome his disability.

His wide eyes, tiny fangs, and pointy ears make him irresistible! 

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Speck is also extremely intelligent.

He knows how to make his way around his surroundings, but will ask for help from human friends if he needs it. 

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

“We are more than willing to accommodate his every demand. He’s very in tune with his environment and is an excellent communicator,” Dina stated. 

“He will meow or tap you with his paw when he needs to use his litter box or wants treats. As is the case with all living beings, he has a very strong will to live.”

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

Uplifting Ever-After

Speck has a nice bedtime routine. Each night he likes to cuddle his human companion for fifteen to thirty-minutes before he falls asleep.

Every morning, he starts the day at 6AM sharp demanding more cuddles.

This is how he prefers to start and finish each day. 

Courtesy of Fuzzy Butt Rescue

He may not look like your average kitten and he may need some help from time to time, but that doesn’t stop him.

He’s just as sweet, loving, and cuddle-some. 

He’s never going to let his disability hold him back from living his life to the fullest!

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Melanie-Jayne Peaty

Friday 14th of July 2023

I love Speck.You brave,handsome boy.xxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jill Howell

Saturday 21st of January 2023

Speck is adorable I just love him He's incredible and a fighter and I want to thank all the people that have helped Speck God bless them


Tuesday 6th of December 2022

Hi, what a beautiful little fur baby. I'm so glad there are good kind people out there that help pets. Thankyou for taking him in. He deserves the best.

DeEtte Smith

Saturday 5th of November 2022

I think Speck is beautiful. Love his big eyes. I would adopt him if I didn't have 2 cats.

Madeline Ciresi

Tuesday 2nd of August 2022

Speck is so adorable he is holding his own