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Meow Mail Update: Tia & Tamara

Meow Mail Update: Tia & Tamara

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Tia and Tamara were two injured black kittens found days apart under unusual circumstances. 

Though these little kittens were the same size and age, they weren’t related. 

However, they both had severely injured legs that needed to be amputated. 

We’re happy to announce that Tia and Tamara are doing incredibly well!

They both went through surgery and emerged triumphant. 

In fact, these little black cats aren’t so “unlucky” after all. 

They were both adopted in record time! 

“Tamara ended up being a foster failure with one of our favorite fosters,” said rescue Coordinator for Community Cats of Central Arkansas, Sarah Richardson. 

Tamara’s irresistible charm landed her a forever family that absolutely adores her. 

She was given a warm welcome by the family’s resident dog and cat; now they’re inseparable!

The dog, a small maltese mix, accompanies Tamara for naps and never turns down an opportunity to play. 

Tamara can also look forward to making sweet memories with her adopter’s son, a toddler who is very gentle and kind to her. 

Tia was also adopted by a different family a few weeks ago.

She was a bit feistier than Tamara, so it took her a little longer to let her guard down and let people take care of her. 

Once she was no longer in pain, her sweet side started to shine through. 

She ended up getting along with other cats, so she was adopted by a family who had another cat to keep her company. 

Happily Ever After

Both Tia and Tamara are still getting used to walking around on 3 legs, but they’re learning fast and having a great time while they’re at it. 

“We’re really proud of them,” said Sarah. “They let their guard down despite how much pain they were in and now they’re thriving.”

Thankfully, their legs healed beautifully and they didn’t require a second surgery. 

Once they were spayed, vaccinated, and had their staples removed, they were on their way to live happily ever after with their forever families! 

Thank you so much for donating toward Tia & Tamara’s recovery journey. 

Their injuries were so bad that they could barely walk, much less use the litter box. 

Thanks to you, they can walk again and start a new chapter of their lives. 

“The donations helped us get them all the vetting they needed” said Sarah. “We were able to afford Tia & Tamara’s care along with Binx and Maxilla, two other black kittens found in critical condition.”

Your support for these kittens not only helped with surgery and treatment, but it demonstrated compassion for black cats who’d been neglected as a result of dangerous myths and stereotypes.

A Voice for The Voiceless

Donations benefit Community Cats of Central Arkansas, a small 501(c)3 non-profit that rescues and rehabilitates cats that are victims of cruelty, neglect, and abandonment in a rural part of Arkansas with high animal cruelty rates and limited resources.

If you’re not already, we hope you consider becoming a monthly donor to our Meow Mail program to help future rescue cats & kittens live happily ever after!

See more of their incredible rescue cases by following Sarah Richardson, rescue coordinator for Community Cats of Central AR, on Instagram and Facebook.

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