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Protective Sister Cat Sprayed in Face with Poison Trying to Shield Brother from Getting Hurt

Protective Sister Cat Sprayed in Face with Poison Trying to Shield Brother from Getting Hurt

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Meet Gretel and her brother, Hansel.

These cat siblings were recently rescued from a very unfortunate situation.

They were hungry stray kitties living behind a grocery store dumpster, trying their best to live off scraps of food.

Someone cruel purposely sprayed them in the face with poisonous chemicals in an attempt to hurt them.

Witnesses said Gretel got in front of her brother and blocked the chemicals with her body so he wouldn’t get hurt.

Gretel bravely took the brunt of the injury trying to protect her brother.

A good Samaritan took the cats to a local shelter who then called Sarah Richardson of Community Cats of Central Arkansas for help.

Sarah, an experienced critical-care cat rescuer, welcomed Hansel and Gretel into her home with open arms.

“My heart breaks for these two, but I’m glad we have them here now,” said Sarah.

Gretel has a long road to recovery ahead of her, but Sarah is determined to see her thrive.

Now that the worst is behind the, Hansel and Gretel can finally feel safe knowing they’re in good hands.

“We want them to receive lots of wet food, treats, medicine and endless love,” said Sarah.

Hansel and Gretel were understandably timid at first, but all of their fear soon melted away.

“They were acting a bit feral when they were first rescued, but now they’re the most loving cats in our care.”

Gretel in particular has made amazing progress with her emotional recovery.

Despite the cruelty Gretel experienced, she still loves and trusts humans unconditionally.

“She is the most precious cat we’re fostering right now,” said Sarah.

Gretel loves attention and shows how grateful she is with gentle nudges and kisses.

She is very protective of her brother, Hansel, and he is very protective of her.

In fact, this brother and sister duo are inseparable.

They take care of each other and rely on one another for comfort.

“It’s incredible how much they love each other. When the time comes, they’ll be adopted out as a bonded pair,” said Sarah.

It’s much harder adopting cats out as a pair, but Sarah is certain it’s well worth the wait.

As for Gretel, she’s facing an uphill battle with her recovery.

She requires daily medicine and frequent vet visits, but she handles it like a champ!

“Cats like her are the reason we rescue,” said Sarah. “She deserves a second chance, and we’re going to make sure she gets it.”

Gretel is our sponsored cat of the month for our Meow Mail program.

She’ll require food, supplies, and medical funds for her continued long-term care.

By donating $10, you’ll be mailed a personalized letter with heartwarming updates on how your donation changed her life.

Please consider making a recurring donation to receive Meow Mail each month for future cats and kittens in critical condition.

“Thank you to all of you who have supported her and all of our other injured and sick cats along the way,” said Sarah. “You are the reason why we get to save so many!”

Follow Sarah on Instagram to see more of her amazing rescue cats.

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Rosemary Bardis

Sunday 30th of October 2022

There are some stiff laws in some states but not enforced very well. We need to light a fire under their lazy butts and get some action. There is a case being tried in Tn. Man poured gasoline all over a sweet dog and set her on fire!! She was running and people stopped her and put out the fire. Got her to hospital She was covered in burns. This monster was arrested and jailed. Case was heard by local judge but he felt this needed more clout so he has kicked to the Grand Jury. We need to send that message loud and clear. You torture and abuse animals you are going to pay - unpleasantly. She is getting better and has had wonderful care and love at a rescue. Lets pray for a conviction and sentence and financial restitution for the folks that have paid for her care.


Monday 26th of September 2022

Someone should find the persons or person who did this stupid thing to the Card and Spray him with Poison and walk a way!!

Adam arnold

Wednesday 21st of September 2022

After Gretel gets back to 100% I will adopt BOTH of them. And believe me they will get all the wet and dry food they can eat and enough love for 10 cats. Plus they will have 2 sisters who are also rescues Eleven (After eleven on Stranger Things) and Snowball. A solid white kitten that I found. And who ever sprayed them may I please run across them one day. I am KARMA and Karma has ZERO MERCY

Barbara Jay

Tuesday 20th of September 2022

People are so cruel to animals I just can’t believe or understand why. There should be stricter laws on cruelty to animals. If that person just wanted to scare the cats away plain water would have worked in the spray bottle……. why poison in the water bottle. My heart just breaks when I see or hear of cruelty to animals…..

oma vasquez

Friday 16th of September 2022

Please tell me the people that did this is in jail if not I am available This is unforgivable and there's a special place in hell for them. I've got three cats and I can't even imagine even thinking of doing that. Smh u are. A angel sent from above Sarah.