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Ricky Gervais Opens His Heart to New Cat After Grieving Loss of Former Cat

Ricky Gervais Opens His Heart to New Cat After Grieving Loss of Former Cat

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There are many couples who love their cat, but few are more vocal than Ricky Gervais and long-time girlfriend Jane Fallon. 

They often tweeted about the various exploits of their energetic girl, a Burmese mix named Ollie. 

“My & My Mum have been playing hide & seek for hours but I must have hidden so well she can’t find Me! MUUUM!!!” Ollie said one day. 

@rickygervais Instagram

During other days, she played the role of her dad’s “assistant”, begged fans for tuna (but don’t tell Mom!), and wished fellow celebrity felines and canines a happy birthday.

Sadly, Ollie passed away in March 2020, shortly before her own 17th birthday. 

Ricky and Jane shared some of their favorite moments with Ollie in the weeks following her death, ranging from everyday events to charity raffles and more. 

@rickygervais Instagram

“Just had to say goodbye to the sweetest little soul I’ve ever known,” Ricky said. 

“My heart is broken in two. I have no idea what I’m going to do without her by my side,” echoed Jane.

Honoring her memory, the couple threw themselves into animal welfare and rescue work. 

@rickygervais Instagram

Part of this included fostering cats and volunteering with Feline Friends UK, a charity shelter that takes in vulnerable cats and those at risk of unnecessary euthanasia across London.

Ricky and Jane’s lives changed forever when they brought Ollie home; and though they didn’t know it yet, their lives would change again when they began fostering Catkins. 

In October, Ricky said that the couple was “fostering this little beauty for a few days until she goes to her forever home.” 

@rickygervais Instagram

More pictures of Catkins followed, until he shocked his friends, family, and fans alike with sudden (but happy) news: “Quick update on the cat we’re fostering: She keeps getting on my lap and staring at me. We’re keeping her.” 

Jane confirmed the news later on by revealing the new name they had picked for Catkins: Picklicious Fatkins the First, or Pickle for short.

@rickygervais Instagram

Pickle has since settled in and loves her new home. She often joins the couple for morning snuggles and afternoon workouts— in between snack breaks, of course. 

She’s also following Ollie’s spunky footsteps by starting her very own Twitter and chronicling her new life online. 

“I’m going to meet someone called ‘The Vet’ in a minute! I don’t know who that is but it sounds very exciting!” she said in one of her first posts.

@rickygervais Instagram

Though Pickle is new to the family, it’s obvious that she, Ricky, and Jane are a perfect match.

Ricky and Jane will never forget Ollie. They cherish their memories with her and miss her dearly. 

Pickles honors Ollie’s legacy – Ricky and Jane are so happy they opened their hearts to a new fur baby. 

@rickygervais Instagram

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Brenda Demasi

Thursday 2nd of September 2021

Sorry for your loss, we always have them in our hearts and open it up for our next love.

mary jean coolahan

Wednesday 1st of September 2021

It's great to hear that you and Jane have been rescued. It's a lonely existence without a furry kid in the home, and Pickle knew that you two needed companionship asap! Blessings to you all!

Molly Kasun

Wednesday 1st of September 2021

The most beautiful thing you can do for the memory of a beloved pet who has died, is immediately go out and pick another rescue cat or dog. Right away, because cats and dogs are being put down every day because of overcrowding in shelters. Do it for your lost baby. Do it to save the precious life of the shelter animal, and do it for yourself as it will help to heal that broken heart.


Tuesday 31st of August 2021

I am sorry that Ollie died, but I am happy you have Pickles. I am sure that he will be happy with you both for a long time. God bless.


Friday 6th of November 2020

Such a Great Story. I Love it.