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Meet Suki – The Most Adventurous Cat In The World

Meet Suki – The Most Adventurous Cat In The World

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Meet Suki, the cat who is probably more well traveled than you!

Keep reading to discover how this adventurous Bengal has captured hearts all over the world!

Humble Beginnings

Suki’s story starts in Alberta, Canada. Suki’s mom, Marti, and her partner adopted Suki after their previous cat passed away.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

The couple loved to hike and go on trips, and they wanted a cat with high energy who could join the fun.

Most domestic cats are perfectly content with enjoying the sunshine through a window, but Bengals are known for thriving outdoors. 

Courtesy of @sukiicat

On March 28, 2017, Marti and her partner’s life changed forever. They brought Suki into their home and they have been inseparable since.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Marti and her partner knew Suki would be a perfect addition to their little family!

How Is Suki So Well Behaved?

After seeing Suki in some of the world’s most beautiful outdoor destinations, one starts to wonder how she’s so well trained.

Marti spent a tremendous amount of time training Suki to respond to her commands and use a leash.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

She started training Suki when she was a kitten. Suki is now a master at navigating the outdoors on a leash.

According to Marti, she gets very excited when she sees her leash by the door.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Adventure Cat

Suki is now a 3 year old with a bold spirit and appetite for adventure. 

Upon scrolling through her Instagram photos, you can find this beautiful Bengal traveling the world with her mom.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

She has traveled throughout her native country of Canada, Europe, and South America.

She loves nature and enjoys hiking and canoeing with her parents.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Sometimes she’ll simply tag along to enjoy the scenery from her special backpack-carrier.

Suki has stolen the hearts of millions of her followers and she loves them as much as they love her.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

She’s not shy around people and loves to interact!

In fact, Marti takes Suki on adventures in the early morning so she’s not as distracted by all the love and attention other hikers give her. 

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Suki’s Mission

Marti wants to encourage others to get outside with their cats. Cats aren’t given enough credit.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Cats are very intelligent and perfectly capable of being trained. Suki is breaking the lazy cat stereotype!

Marti is proud of Suki and all that she has accomplished.

She has inspired many cat owners to spend quality time with their cats and enjoy safe, supervised time outdoors.

Courtesy of @sukiicat

Be sure to follow Suki on Instagram to keep up with all her latest adventures!

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Suzanne Roussel

Wednesday 10th of March 2021

She is so adorable ? and sweet precious baby ?

Linda A Rhyne

Saturday 6th of March 2021

Are you familiar with Dean and Nala on 1bike1world. He's biking all over the world with Nala who he found in Bosnia on the side of the road.

matthew wicinski

Saturday 6th of March 2021

I want to BE Suki!

Shelley Cloutier

Friday 5th of March 2021

Suki is a cutie pie ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Miracle Kelly

Monday 6th of April 2020

I would love to buy the book of their adventures and pictures as well as an annual calendar