Meet Tiny Tim, a tiny but mighty tuxedo kitten taking the world by storm!
Tiny Tim’s journey hasn’t been easy, but his story can teach us all a thing or two about perseverance.
Keep reading to learn why this brave little kitten with a rare condition became a champion with the help of a loving foster family!

Tim’s Mystery
Tiny Tim and his brother met their foster mom, Haley Andrews, on September 3, 2021.
Haley, a foster for Northwest Animal Companions in Portland, Oregon, will never forget meeting Tiny Tim on that fateful day.
Tim was estimated to be roughly 3 weeks old.
At first, he appeared to be normal and in good shape.

He was very loving and affectionate from the get-go.
“He was the perfect little lovebug. He only wanted to be on my chest or my husband’s chest,” Haley recalled.
Tiny Tim’s first few weeks in his foster home was going splendidly.
Then one day, Haley noticed something unusual…

A Shocking Discovery
Haley realized that Tim wasn’t growing at the right pace.
While his brother grew bigger, Tiny Tim remained…tiny.
“He stayed at 9 ounces for a good four weeks straight after we got him,” Haley shared.
Knowing that this was unusual, Haley took him to the vet for answers.

At the clinic, the sweet tuxedo kitten underwent several tests to help the vets pinpoint what was wrong.
“We have done many tests: blood tests, fecal tests, X-rays. But we don’t have a diagnosis yet. At this point, we say he has pituitary dwarfism,” Haley shared.
This rare condition meant that Tiny Tim’s growth was stunted.

He was more likely to encounter orthopedic issues and growth related health complications along the way.
The news broke Haley’s heart.
Though Tim’s fate was uncertain, Haley was determined to help him thrive.

Tiny Tim’s Tiny Miracle
One day, Haley returned home from her teaching job to find Tiny Tim on the floor, cold and breathing heavily.
She panicked and rushed 5-week-old Tim to the emergency vet.
Life was quickly fading from Tiny Tim’s little body.

Then Haley’s worst nightmare became a reality: Tiny Tim stopped breathing.
Haley was devastated.
But this wasn’t the end– Tiny Tim wasn’t going down without a fight!
The veterinary team carefully gave him CPR with one finger and brought him back to life.

Tiny Tim cheated death. It was a miracle!
He stayed at the emergency vet overnight and returned home bouncing with energy.
“I’ve never seen a kitten bounce back that fast!” Haley recalled.
Haley and her family were so grateful to have their sweet boy back home, safe and alive.

Foster Failure
Haley showered Tiny Tim with endless love and affection.
He would never feel alone with Haley by his side.
She was always there to cheer Tim along and love him unconditionally.
Fortunately, her hard work paid off!

Little by little, Tiny Tim grew bigger and stronger.
Though he wasn’t the standard size for a kitten his age, he was certainly making progress.
Tim’s confidence grew along with his body.
His personality was shining brighter than ever!
“He is just the most loving little guy! He loves to cuddle and play and gets along great with my other cats,” Haley shared.

It didn’t take long for Haley and her family to fall head over heels in love with Tiny Tim.
Haley had held Tim’s paw every step of the way.
He trusted her. She was his hero!
Tiny Tim felt right at home with Haley’s family.
He belonged with them!

A Star is Born
Haley would often share pictures of her foster cats in different Facebook groups.
When she posted a picture of Tiny Tim, several people requested he have a group of his own.
Haley complied, creating a group called “Tiny Tim’s Tiny Life”.
She began posting photos and videos of him, sharing updates on his progress.

One day, Haley posted the now famous photo of Tiny Tim sitting on a miniature chair.
“The picture took on a life of its own,” Haley shared.
The photo quickly landed Tim a place on the “trending” page and he became a star!
Tiny Tim’s Facebook group already has over 8,000 members who love and adore him.

Happily Ever After
Haley was both surprised and overwhelmed with emotion by the kindness and support pouring from kind-hearted strangers online.
“I have had over a hundred foster kittens, and I’ve never had people love one as much as Tiny Tim,” said Haley.
She even set up a fundraiser to help assist with the cost of Tiny Tim’s mounting medical bills from his emergency vet visit and long term care.

Haley hopes that Tiny Tim’s online presence will inspire others to foster and draw attention to animals with special needs.
Haley continues to foster special needs cats and kittens along with hospice cats.
Click here if you’d like to donate food and supplies directly to her foster cats from her Amazon Wishlist.
Click here to join Tiny Tim’s Facebook group and watch him grow!

Saturday 10th of June 2023
I have one at the moment got 4 kittens about 4wks old 3 normal size one lil tux like tiny Tim so tiny. She was 4wks weighed just 162g. She has a large head compared to her body. But does everything she should for her age. Eats laps uses the tray. She is 6wks now where others are over 7oog. She has just reached 300g today we had week if her losing weight so tiny thin. I am sup feeding her plus giving her formula by bottle seems to be working as she is gaining weight again. Did Tiny have a head that looked too big for his body. I am just taking it one day at time our vet has checked her out she was fine except for her weight I am going to try to collect urine poo sample this week then possible blood tests. She is a lil doll so sweet so smoochy too I have called her Jellybean.
Michael Freitas
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
Tiny Tim is so lucky to have such a great Mommy. Best Wishes and God Bless Tiny Tim to You and Your Family Always
Adrian Lee Steininger
Tuesday 5th of April 2022
I have what they call a Perma Kitty. Most of her 9 years she only weighed 5 lbs, now 6+. She was rescued by my daughter, Suzanne, with a swollen right eye which turned into Glaucoma. We use eye drops from Walgreens and saved her eye even when vets wanted to remove it. My Mom had glaucoma and used similar drops. Her name is Miracle. She was kind of wild at 4 weeks but is friendly and brave, not afraid of thunder or the vacuum. Our other cat, Charlie is almost 2 yrs old and is a scaredy cat, a big male. I can't even pick him up. He loves my husban and follows him around like a dog. He also can open all our doors by hanging onto the handle. He doesn't really need, he squeaks. Both kitties were strays and we adore them!
Suzanne Roussel
Thursday 3rd of February 2022
They must be stopped, those adorable 😍 sweet 💖 precious 💞 babies 💖 deserve loving 🏡 with loving parents
Mishelle A Vislisel
Thursday 27th of January 2022
How heartless do you have to be to be a participant in this cruelty!