Most housecat kittens look pretty similar when they’re in the “fuzzball” phase.
Turns out, bobcat kittens look just like domesticated ones!
Keep reading to discover how this kind woman dodged a dangerous predicament when she unknowingly rescued a bobcat kitten…

An Unusual Surprise
Jill Hicks was driving one day when she saw a little kitten scurry across the road.
It was a very busy highway and she worried about the safety of the kitten.
She couldn’t stand the thought of driving away and risk the kitten getting hit by a car.
Jill pulled over, hopped out of the car, and rushed the scared little kitten to safety.

“My, what big teeth you have!”
She took it home, gave her some food, and made her a comfy little space of her own in the garage.
When Jill took a closer look at the kitten, she was taken aback.
She’d never seen a kitten like this before…
It had big blue eyes, rounded ears, a big snout, circular pupils, and unusually big paws for a kitten.
Jill’s neighbor asked to take a look at the kitten.
Once they examined the kitten, they were stunned by their discovery…
This was no average kitten – this was a bobcat kitten!

Not your average kitten…
Jill was relieved to have discovered the kitten’s true identity.
Before she realized it was a bobcat, she was going to give it a bath and tuck it in bed with her!
Jill was understandably shocked, but she wasn’t in any immediate danger.
Fortunately, the bobcat kitten was not scared of her and didn’t show any signs of aggression.
In fact, the kitten was playful and rambunctious like any normal kitten.
It would leap and climb all over Jill with glee!
Jill knew that she couldn’t keep a bobcat around the house (and no one should).
She knew doing something as irresponsible as keeping a wild animal in her house was both reckless and unethical.
She made the right decision and contacted For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue.
This incredible organization is famous for rehabilitating skunks, foxes, raccoons, and plenty of other wildlife.
They were happy to help!
It’s a girl!
The next morning Jill took the baby bobcat to her wildlife rehab and discovered she was a 5-6 week old little girl.
Jill named her Arwen and the rescue honored the name and made it official.
For Fox Wildlife Rescue was where Arwen would call home until she was ready to be released into the wild.
They were the right people to meet her special bobcat needs.

Arwen’s journey
At the wildlife center, Arwen finally began putting on weight!
She likes to snuggle with her heartbeat pillow and developed a healthy appetite.
She became independent enough to eat from a bowl instead of a bottle.
Once she started feeling better, she started acting much more aggressive toward humans.
For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue posted on their Facebook page, “Arwen is fearless and bold and has no interest in humans, which is exactly what we hoped to see.”
Arwen’s behavior toward humans is healthy and normal.
She should not have any interest in humans – this is a crucial survival instinct!
“For Fox Sake never releases animals that are tame or dependent on humans, ” the rescuers went on to say.
The rescuers shared their wisdom by stating, “Tame animals are less likely to be able to take care of themselves, and friendly animals are more likely to be killed by hunters and trappers.”
Many people began following Arwen’s story and her updates on social media– she became a celebrity with many supportive fans overnight!

Dangerous People
For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue were shocked by the reaction Arwen received online.
Several people reached out to both the rescue and Jill attempting to buy Arwen.
The rescue took the time to educate the people who attempted to adopt Arwen out of ignorance.
Arwen was not for sale or adoption. She is a wild animal who cannot be domesticated.
She deserves to live a fulfilling life in the wild.
While some requests to buy Arwen raised suspicion, her fans could rest easy knowing she was safe and sound within the walls of the rescue.
They would not allow Arwen to end up in the wrong hands!
Bumps in the Road
The wildlife center was happy with the progress that Arwen had been making.
This changed when Arwen started showing symptoms of being sick.
After running some tests, they found out she was anemic. This is very common for kittens born in the wild.
This is largely due to not having enough iron in their milk.
Luckily, it isn’t serious and she would be fine long term!

What’s Next?
For Fox Sake does not think little baby Arwen is ready to be on her own in the wild yet, especially being anemic.
They are taking great care of the bob-kitten and plan on teaching her the things a mother bobcat would teach her baby.
She will stay in captivity for the time being.
There are other foster bobcats that will help Arwen mature and be more like her species.
In 2020, the center plans to release her back into the Tennessee wilderness where she will have plenty of woods and free space to be a true bobcat!
She will be an older and smarter bobcat that will hopefully know to stay away from the busy roads.

Happily Ever After
Even though Jill Hicks rescued a baby bobcat instead of a kitten, she’s very glad she did!
Both Jill and For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue look forward to seeing Arwen live a happy and healthy life in the wild where she belongs.
If you love baby skunks, raccoons, fox, bobcats, and other adorable wild animals, then you must follow For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue on Facebook!
Molly Kasun
Sunday 18th of April 2021
I don't like to see the bobcat kitten portrayed as a "dangerous predator". It is, but only if you're a field mouse or a baby rabbit, as bobcats do not prey upon, nor do they attack humans. They want nothing whatsoever to DO with humans, it is actually very unusual to even see a bobcat in the wild. I have the feeling the lady would have left the kitten to it's fate on the highway if she had known it was a bob-kitten. That's sad, and it's also propaganda. No way would it have been a real danger to her at that age. I'm glad she didn't know what it really was, and therefore didn't buy into the myth that bobcats are "dangerous" to humans. Any feral cat will react with fear (teeth and claws) when confronted with human intervention, I'm actually surprised she was able to handle it immediately. The many litters of feral cat colonies I have trapped for taming and re-homing are far more aggressive than the bobkitten was! Handling a feral 5 week old feral kitten is like picking up a running buzz saw, and I have many scars to prove it! LOL I just thank God she had a kind heart and saved it from certain death.
Elyn T
Saturday 17th of April 2021
All of God's creatures deserve a chance to be free to live without fear and thrive in peace. Thank you for giving her this chance.
Friday 19th of June 2020
What an awesome thing you did for that baby. So happy to know you took her to a rescue.
Friday 19th of June 2020
Thank you for saving this Bobcat. Hope they find the right sanctuary for this Bobcat.
Thursday 18th of June 2020
A good story and of course she belongs in the wild. Stupid, human centric idiots who think she should be a pet. No sense or ethics at all.