Meet Winnie! She’s a beautiful one-year-old angel from South Carolina.
Winnie’s human mom, Kelly, found Winnie through a facebook group called The Kitty Cat Club.
Kelly visited the group frequently because she loved seeing everyone’s fur babies, but she never expected to adopt a cat there!
“I saw a post from a woman who was having to move from her rental house because of the owner,” Kelly said. “She had a new place to go, but couldn’t take her kitties.”
The woman who made the Facebook post asked if anyone could help. Kelly messaged the woman to find out more.
The next day, Kelly video-chatted with the woman from the Facebook group and saw the cats with her very own eyes.
“I saw Winnie in the video chat and fell in love,” Kelly said.

Kelly had decided to adopt Winnie and all her brothers and sisters.
Even though Kelly would have to drive 4 hours to go get them, she knew it was well worth the time.
“We chose a date and we met and Winnie and her brother Bubba Gee came to live with me and my other kitties and doggies.”
Having settled into Kelly’s home, Winnie has picked up quite a few new hobbies.
She loves using Kelly’s tablet and clicking on the touch screen with her paw. She also loves using it to watch youtube videos of squirrels and birds!

Winnie is pretty advanced for your average cat. She’s very tech-savvy.
If she’s not on the tablet, she’s playing with her brothers and sisters.
Eventually, she’ll get tuckered out and nap with her human mom and dad.
Winnie is not a picky eater by any means, but she does have a few favorites.
Nothing makes her happier than when Kelly gives her some chicken to eat. Winnie also has a sweet spot for Greenies treats.
“If I don’t keep an eye on her when she is on her tablet, she will tap on Amazon and try to order Tuna,” Kelly joked.
Winnie is extremely intelligent and full of energy! Her curiousity and quirkiness are both entertaining and endearing.
Kelly is excited to enjoy a lifetime of love and happiness with Winnie and her little fur-family by her side.
We’re proud to call Winnie a National Kitty!
Kelly H Tovornik
Thursday 3rd of December 2020
I am so excited to see Winnie win this!! Thank you!
Cynthia Marrs
Monday 30th of November 2020
What a beautiful kitty. So glad she has a home that caters to her special interests!
Suzanne Roussel
Monday 30th of November 2020
Thank you for sharing your story she is so adorable ❤ and sweet precious babies ?