It was what appeared to be a normal spring day when an Arkansas resident came across a Facebook post desperately seeking help with a mama cat who had rejected her newborn kittens.
The woman knew the kittens would die if their mother didn’t feed them.
Fearing she might be the kittens’ only hope, the woman sprung into action.
Keep reading to find out how this broken family was made whole again!

A Cry For Help
Stephanie Pinkerton, an independent cat rescuer in Central Arkansas, knew she had to help as soon as she discovered what had happened.
She quickly called the woman with the mama cat and discovered she had two kittens that she wouldn’t nurse.
“The girl who had the cat said it was almost as if the mamma cat didn’t know she was a mom. She wouldn’t let her kittens nurse,” Stephanie told National Kitty.

The mamma cat refused to acknowledge the smallest kitten.
She managed to groom and move the other kitten, but wouldn’t stay still long enough to let it latch.
She was constantly attempting to escape and leave her kittens.
Rushing to the Rescue
These things happen with new litters sometimes, and neither the kittens nor the mother were at fault.
Stephanie knew she could take the kittens and bottle feed them, but was well aware their chances of survival were slim without their mother’s milk.

Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, Stephanie received more shocking news: the mother might still be in labor and have another kitten on the way!
Stephanie had to think fast. What she did next was heroic!
A True Miracle
Stephanie decided to take the mamma and her babies. She hopped in her car and drove an hour to pick them up.
Stephanie and the woman with the mamma cat made plans to meet at a gas station between their two cities.

Stephanie came prepared with bottles to feed the kittens before she drove home.
Just as she was getting ready to bottle feed the kittens, a miracle happened.
The kittens began trying to nurse, and the mamma cat didn’t seem to be rejecting them this time!

“I don’t know if it was because she couldn’t go anywhere or she just didn’t want to this time, but I noticed that they were trying to nurse,” Stephanie said.
“So, I decided not to intervene at that time and just let them do their thing on the drive home!” Stephanie shared.
Safe at Last
Even once they got home and the mama cat had more room to move around, she continued to allow the kittens to nurse!
While it was unclear why she originally rejected them, it was now obvious that things had changed for the better.

Stephanie named the mama cat Britta.
The girl who initially had the mama cat had already picked out names for the kittens.
Stephanie honored her wish and stuck with the names Cookie and Biscuit!

A Happy Family
Two days after she brought them home, Stephanie began to worry that the smaller kitten, Biscuit, wasn’t getting enough milk.
Biscuit, who had originally been rejected by her mom, was noticeably smaller than Cookoie.

“I decided to at least give her a little extra milk, because it clearly wasn’t getting enough from mama,” Stephanie shared.
“I put the nipple in her mouth, and it got a little bit, but it just really didn’t want to have anything to do with it,” said Stephanie.
Luckily, Biscuit began to nurse more often when Stephanie placed her close to her mom.

As time passed, both kittens kept nursing and gained more and more weight!
Biscuit caught up to Cookie and their mother’s love for them only grew!
“She is very protective of them and is a wonderful mother now,” Stephanie said. “They’re thriving, I would say.”
With a little help from Stephanie, mama cat and her kittens are now one happy family, safe and sound!

Stephanie’s Mission
Stephanie is a kind-hearted individual committed to rescuing cats and kittens in emergency scenarios.
All her rescue cats, including the sweet family in this story, are all spayed/neutered before finding their forever homes.
Stephanie is entirely self funded and relies on people like us to donate food, kitten formula, and other essential supplies for to continue rescuing cats.
Please consider donating an item directly to Stephanie through her Amazon Wishlist.
If you would like to donate toward a kitten’s spay/neuter or medical needs, please click here to help Stephanie continue her life saving missions.

Wednesday 10th of June 2020
I know Stephanie personally and know what a loving and caring person she is and how much animals have always meant to her and her family! This is just one example of many animals her and her family have saved and rescued!! You inspire and touch the lives of so many Stephanie and I only wish there were more people in this world as dedicated and empathetic as you!!
Cindy Newton
Thursday 4th of June 2020
Thank you for rescuing that precious family Stephanie. There needs to more people like you to rescue as many of these fur babies as possible.
Ellen Hobbs
Thursday 4th of June 2020
Kudos to you dear lady i was in cat rescue for 18 years in that time my husband and I had over 415 cats fixed thanks to OAR and UCAN in Cincinnati, ohio both me and my husband are disabled and we used to get huge donations from Paws, Aspca and other cat rescues, i truely believe in TNR, I buy the biggest dose of dog flea meds and dispence it to each cat, at onetime i was feeding 30 to 35 by the time we moved last year i was down to 20 cats when we moved we had 7 cats 2 of the 7 belong to my son and my dad whos now in a nursing home and his cat is a persian /flame point Siamese he needs groomed right now he looks like a giant marshmellow with snow shoes for feet, ,When we moved here a year ago july we moved in and heard tiny kittens well at 6 months i got them fixed 1 male and 3 females and i try to fix every cat i can get ahold of i truely believe that this was my calling as im sure its yours also so again KUDOS to u dear lady god bless
Suzanne Roussel
Wednesday 3rd of June 2020
I'm so happy that they are all safe she is a wonderful woman god bless her
Susan Welsford
Tuesday 2nd of June 2020
Such sweet babies. Thank you, Stephanie! ???