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Special Kitten with Rare Condition Almost Euthanized – Kind Hero Saves Him Just in Time

Special Kitten with Rare Condition Almost Euthanized – Kind Hero Saves Him Just in Time

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This is a story about a little kitten named Maverick, whose precious face and adorable eyes aren’t the only things that make him special. 

Keep reading to discover how this unique tabby overcame some big obstacles to finally find happiness.

Overlooked, but Not Unnoticed

In August of 2019, a cat named Maverick was surrendered by his owner to a New York animal care center at six months old.

Maverick’s former owner was allergic to him and was unable to take care of him. 

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Tragically, the shelter was reaching its maximum capacity and Maverick was going to be euthanized.

As fortune would have it, the staff of the shelter became extremely fond of Maverick and were determined to save him.

Sweet Maverick was given a second chance at life.

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

No Limitations

Maverick was born with a chromosome abnormality causing him to have an extra chromosome.

His condition is comparable to Down Syndrome in humans.

Maverick was also diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, an abnormal dilation of the ventricular system from a build up of fluid in the brain.

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Maverick was very special and needed a place that could provide him with the resources he needed to safely grow.

Luckily, the shelter had a brilliant idea!

A Sanctuary

The shelter staff contacted Tara Kay, founder of The Odd Cat Sanctuary.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary is a non-profit famous for their outstanding dedication to helping kittens and cats with special needs. 

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

The Odd Cat Sanctuary has provided thousands of special needs cats with a safe place where they can receive proper care.

They happily welcome Maverick into their facility with open arms.

Thanks to the determined staff of the New York ACC, Maverick was would have a wonderful team that could take care of his special needs.

A Forever Home

Maverick’s life changed at the sanctuary.

It was there that he became part of their family and found his forever home.

When Maverick arrived at the Sanctuary, he began to purr up a storm of happiness and bounce around the house with joy.

After everything he had been through, he knew he was finally home.

The sanctuary was going to be his permanent home.

They even provided him with a caregiver who would make sure all his special needs were met. 

It didn’t take long for Maverick to feel safe and loved in his new home.

It was as if he were meant to be there all along!

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Happily Ever After 

Maverick is a very loving and kind tabby.

His affection is equally matched whether he’s making new furry friends or meeting new humans.

He gets along with just about anybody.

He especially enjoys playing with other cats, and he’s quick to greet a new friend with a loving nudge.

Courtesy of The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Maverick’s story is truly awe-inspiring.

His adorable fangs and “googly eyes” are enough to melt anyone’s heart.

“Sometimes the most beautiful things aren’t perfect,” Maverick’s owner said on Instagram.

Despite all the obstacles put in his path, he never allowed them to slow him down or prevent him from living his life to the absolute fullest.

He loves cuddling, playing, bouncing, and leaping with joy just like any other cat!

Maverick is now as happy and healthy as can be, from playing with his foster brothers and sisters to cuddling with his human companions.

There’s a valuable lesson to be learned here: all animals deserve a chance.

Maverick would have faced a horrible fate had someone not seen his true potential.

“Can you believe I was on deathrow & my time was up until @theoddcatsanctuary saved my life.
Visit a kill shelter today…maybe you will find your best friend,” said Maverick’s owner as him Maverick’s rescuer on Instagram.

Do you think Maverick is adorable just the way he is? Let us know in the comments below.

Follow Maverick and his brother, Toast, on Instagram!

Find the original story on Love Meow.

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April Starke

Wednesday 27th of April 2022

My two year old mamas liter has one who's eyes are like this. One with a lobster paw. One with webbed feet three torties one f black one f gray who has webbed feet and one m ginger and one m white and orange and white feet. They are eight weeks old. None of them have a single foot same as other. When I say hybrids I feel like they are mixed between cat possum coon skunk and a male cat. Noticed mamas feet turn totally black about eight months before she got pregnant. She's a tan med hair. Now they are tan again. If anyone has any info I have all the babies pics and videos I'd love to share. My tan male looks totally diff from the rest. Stout and even looks two weeks older. Their eyes have an odd tilt but not down syndrome. I hope this helps I just want some clues or answers TIA


Thursday 10th of June 2021

He’s beautiful just the way he is ,I’m so happy he has a forever home ??

Molly L. Kasun

Saturday 1st of May 2021

As a nurse, I can't help but wonder if he's blind in his right eye, and if he has heart abnormalities as well. Sure hope not! I'm so glad he found a good home where he can live his life as long as it's gifted to him. He's inspirational.

Diane Ryan

Saturday 1st of May 2021

This little one is sweet as can be. Precious in every way. Thanks to all who helped save him and a big thank you to those that make everyday happy for him.

Suzanne Roussel

Saturday 1st of May 2021

Thank you and God bless you for saving him ❤ so adorable ? and sweet precious baby ?. I love him the way he is so cute