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“Baby Bear” Kittens Rejected by Mom Hold Each Other Tight – Happy to be Safe & Warm

“Baby Bear” Kittens Rejected by Mom Hold Each Other Tight – Happy to be Safe & Warm

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One late summer day, a Florida woman stumbled across a Facebook post about a litter of kittens abandoned on the streets.

She immediately reached out to them, but got no response. 

Keep reading to discover how fate brought together a kind stranger and two kittens who desperately needed a hero.

Their journey will melt your heart!

Rushing to the Scene

Carmen Morales Weinberg, founder of Animal Friends Project in Delray Beach, Florida was scrolling through Facebook when she came across a concerning post.

A family had found a litter of freshly born kittens outside and brought them into their home.

Knowing how difficult it is for infant kittens to survive without their mother, Carmen wanted to offer the family that found them assistance in hopes of helping the kittens thrive.

Unfortunately, Carmen was not able to get in contact with them that night. 

She finally heard from them the next day a little after noon. She dropped everything and rushed to their location. 

When she got there, she helped them set the kittens up to hopefully be reclaimed by their mother.

Left Behind, But Not Alone

At last, the mama cat arrived.

At first, Carmen was relieved. The kittens had a much higher chance of survival with their mother.

They could be trapped and vetted once mama cat was finished doing her job.

Carmen’s initial hope was crushed when the mama cat made a devestating decision.

One by one, the mama cat picked up and moved her kittens. But there was one problem: she never returned for her last two kittens.

The kittens didn’t seem to have anything wrong with them, but it was clear the mother had rejected them.

While Carmen was disappointed, she knew unfortunate events like this were common.

“She had 7 kittens so I am sure it was not easy for her to be in the streets, carrying all those kittens in her belly!” said Carmen.

She also understood that Apple and Blackberry’s situation was a human failure, not the mama cat’s failure.

If people would spay and neuter their pets, tragedies like this would not happen.

Rushing to the Rescue

There wasn’t any time to waste. Carmen knew she had to take matters into her own hands.

She took the two remaining kittens to the vet to learn what could be wrong.

The two kittens were scared and hungry, but they knew they had not been fully abandoned.

In Carmen’s arms, they felt safe and hopeful!

At the vet, Carmen learned why they had been tragically rejected by their mother.

The Truth Revealed

Carmen named the two kittens Apple and Blackberry.

Blackberry had an infection on his umbilical cord, which the vet said was probably the reason the mamma cat did not come and retrieve him and his sister.

According to the vet, both kittens were going to be fine. They just needed some extra help until they were able to stand on their own feet.

While they had a rough start, Carmen was determined to give them their best life!

Blackberry recovered from his infection quickly, but the road ahead was still a little rough.

“I started to wean them from the formula and they did not take to eating from the plate well,” Carmen shared. “They refused to eat, got diarrhea and lost weight.”

After some practice on eating big kid food, Apple and Blackberry began to gain more weight!

Two Bundles of Joy

Now that they’re out of the woods and can thrive like other kittens, their personalities have started to shine through!

“Blackberry is bigger and more active,” Carmen said. “Apple is smaller and she loves to relax and groom herself. She even grooms her brother!”

According to Carmen, the siblings are very clever. They learned to use the litter box quickly and love to explore.

The curious duo can be found tumbling, wrestling, and curled up napping together in a sweet embrace.

“Apple and Blackberry are so different. Blackberry is bigger and more active. Apple is smaller and loves to relax and groom herself. She’s a typical girl!” Carmen gushed.

It’s clear Apple and Blackberry are very grateful to be safe and sound with Carmen.

They may have lost part of their family, but at least they had each other.

Happily Ever After

Soon, it was time for the siblings to be spayed/neutered and find a forever family.

Since then, they two have been adopted and can look forward to a lifetime of love and attention in their new homes.

It was hard for Carmen letting them go, but she was excited for the kittens to begin their new lives.

“It was very hard letting them go, but I needed to do it so we could continue helping other kitties in our area. They’ll always be in my heart,” said Carmen.

“It is a better option to let precious kittens go and hurt from missing them than to let another rescue cat die waiting for help,” Carmen continued.

Please consider supporting Carmen’s lifesaving missions by making a donation. Every cent of donations go toward helping cats and kittens in need.

Be sure to follow Carmen on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all her adorable rescue cats!

Watch Apple & Blackberry grow up to be healthy, happy kittens!

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Rita mowery

Monday 25th of October 2021

Were they adopted to the same home. I hope so Apple and Blackberry should stay together they was bonded

Lisa Therrien

Saturday 23rd of October 2021

These 2 siblings should have been adopted out as a pair. Thank you for saving them but shame on you for separating them. So sad.


Sunday 14th of November 2021

@Lisa Therrien, I know. I left one reply above, went to sit with my cat, and felt, it's hard to enjoy life knowing their lives have been broken. I've been sad thinking if Summer and Splash had not be adopted together, and these two were not at all. Another mom and adopted son were listed to be adopted together or apart- that just makes me so upset (they were adopted together thankfully!) Rescues already have so much trauma, why create more by losing their bonded friend. If not breaking some of their trust in people too. Or maybe they think the sibling died? How is that not taken into consideration? They have feelings....They need more than just food/water- they shouldn't be sentenced so to speak to a life without their friend just for being strays. Not even the kindest person or nicest home can replace that bond. Animals sometimes need each other and that's how I feel about these two...without meaning too. ...broken. As with the other two cases- families are happy to keep cat families together.

Jeanette Martin

Monday 25th of October 2021

You people that are so ready to give advise and poopoo on the lady for not adopting as a pair,. Maybe she had no one that would . adopt as a pair.. Easy to judge.

Molly Kasun

Saturday 17th of July 2021

Two gorgeous little "Parlor Panthers". They will grow to be beautiful adults. The savior lady is to be complimented on her efforts and expense to save these valuable kittens. Taken from a situation of certain death, they have now the opportunity to become someone's beloved pet and enjoy a long life of comfort and safety. Rescued ferals are the BEST!

Charlene Sullins

Sunday 4th of April 2021

Were they adopted as a pair and not separated. I hope so

Arleen Papula

Saturday 27th of March 2021

These Kittens should have Ben adopted as a pair. They had such a loving bond that should NOT have been broken. Why did you do that to them???


Sunday 14th of November 2021

@Arleen Papula, I know, I feel so bad for these two. They must miss each other a lot. It's good they were rescued but you also need to consider their emotional well being. They're going to be depressed without each other and that can lead to a lot of problems, including eating properly and trusting people. More needs to be done for the advocacy of animals... it shouldn't be a matter of life/death....no family bond/a home. I'm sure with one internet post many people would have stepped up to adopt them together in no time- you always see so many comments about people wanting to keep bonded animals together. My heart is broken too. I hope someone reunites these two. This is just tragic. What's a home without your family too. Imagine if you never saw your family again- ... they already went through so much too. and I agree, helped each other and now wandering around wondering where the other is.

I think one needs to focus on saving lives and also the lives of those you are saving. There are even rescues who keep bonded animals together for the reasons stated above initially....perhaps a national directory should be online. Also, if you get two adopted together like that, your more apt to leave more space for more homes to adopt another one later. Cats like having a cat friend too. Mine wanted one her whole life and kept getting returned because other cats didn't like her- until I just had to keep her and a little guy who appeared to us awhile later became her friend. She loves having a cat to run with, snuggle... I mean these two were siblings even... how could people not keep them together? Shouldn't this be illegal? I can't even handle writing this. It seems cruel to do that to them. without the amount of effort made to rescue animals sometimes, I think the same should go into their life's quality on ward too. It should be a separate aside issue than saving more animals, and a both/and way to navigate. Maybe more networks are needed- to keep such bonds alive... I'm tearing up...


Sunday 14th of November 2021

@Arleen Papula,


Monday 25th of October 2021

I totally agree with you!

Mary Zwez

Sunday 24th of October 2021

I totally agree, really sad. Their bond kept them alive and comforted them. My heart is breaking for them.


Saturday 29th of May 2021

I totally agree.