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Suffering Kitten Found Crying for Help – So Happy Someone Finally Noticed

Suffering Kitten Found Crying for Help – So Happy Someone Finally Noticed

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This is a heartfelt story of a baby kitten desperately searching for help and the woman who answered his cries. 

Keep reading to discover how this woman gave a little kitten a fighting chance that changed his life forever.

A Shattering Cry for Help

Earlier this year, in Delray Beach, Florida, the founder of Animal Friends Project, Carmen Weinberg was notified of a stray kitten that wandered to a woman’s home in terrible condition, continuously crying for help.

Wasting no time, Carmen sprang into action to rescue the kitten.

Upon arrival, she saw the frail kitten sitting in the yard.

His ginger fur almost completely brown from the dirt and the severity of his mange (a skin disease) was heartbreaking.

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

His ears and fur were coated in a hard-like shell and his eyes crusted shut from mange.

He slowly moved toward Carmen and once he reached her, he let out a painful cry.

“He was crying loudly for someone to notice him and help him,” Carmen told Love Meow.

Lending A Helping Hand

Carmen presented him with some food and instantly began to feast.

In order to get him safely into a carrier, she carefully pushed in a plate of food and he walked in with ease.

The following days, his rehabilitation started.

He began to shed little bunches of the hard-like coating from his fur and because of his beautiful orange coat, Carmen named him Simba.

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

“I put coconut oil on his ears and head to help soften the crust and then used a flea comb to brush it off,” said Carmen.

Soon it was time for him to go to the vet to for extra treatment and vaccinations.

Thanks to Carmen, Simba was on his way to becoming a happy and healthy kitten.

Seeing The World

After days of treatment and a bath, the day finally arrived– Simba opened his handsome eyes to see the world and for the world to see!

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

Simba is a whole new tabby. He is feeling and looking stronger with every passing day.

He has gained a healthy amount of weight, his energy levels have soared, and the best part is that he no longer has a veil of mange to hold him back.

Nothing can stop him now! The worst part was over and a he was ready to start a new chapter of life.

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

It Only Takes One

After roaming the streets alone, miserable, without sight, this ginger baby fought hard and made it. 

He flops on his side when Carmen enters the room showing his affection and appreciation for a chance at a healthy, happy life.

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

“Simba has been with us for six months now. He loves to be touched and rolls on his back so we can pet his tummy,” Carmen said.

When no one else was there to bring Simba any hope of help, Carmen stepped in, gave this handsome tabby a chance at a better life, and he took it!

Simba, The Tabby King!

Simba has grown into a healthy, majestic, cat with a beautiful orange coat! He couldn’t be sweeter if he tried.

Courtesy of Animal Friends Project

He is grateful his cries were answered by a kind stranger who changed his life forever. 

If you’d like to support Carmen in helping more kittens like Simba, visit her website to make a life-saving donation.

Be sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram to witness more of her incredible rescue work!

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Suzanne Roussel

Thursday 18th of March 2021

So adorable ? and sweet precious baby ? thank you for saving him ❤ god bless you you are a wonderful person


Wednesday 17th of March 2021

Thanks so much for helping Simba! He is such a handsome guy! I am glad his vision has been restored! Poor guy!

Shelley Cloutier

Wednesday 17th of March 2021

Bless you for saving and taking such loving care of this sweet precious baby and giving him a loving chance at life! I love happy endings like this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wednesday 17th of March 2021

The world can well do with more such people and do without those who think only of themselves


Wednesday 17th of March 2021

That is so good this kitty was saved. God bless to the person that took good care of Simba. I hope he is in a good home and in a new family that will take care of him.